how to remove freon from car without recovery machine

How To Remove Freon From Car Without Recovery Machine


August 10, 2022

How to remove freon from car without recovery machine?

It is not difficult to remove Freon from a car at home.

In reality, you do not need to be a mechanic to complete this task.

However, it is critical that you are careful.

One thing that may surprise you is that many automobile owners can quickly take Freon out of their cars in the comfort of their own homes.

You can accomplish this in a few minutes.

Freon must be removed from your automobile in order for it to run smoothly.

You will need an AC recovery machine at home if you want to get rid of Freon yourself.

The car’s cooling fluids will be promptly and simply recovered and recycled by an AC recovery machine.

When the recycling process is completed, the refrigerant has been removed.

Let’s take a look at the quick procedure for removing Freon from your car’s air conditioner.

What Is The Freon?

The refrigerant that cycles between gas and liquid phases and maintains the temperature of your automobile is called freon.

Freon is an operating fluid designed for a vehicle’s air conditioning system, much like radiator coolant and motor oil.

The distinction between Freon and refrigerant is that Freon is a long chemical name containing more sub-terms than refrigerant.

Refrigerant is a carefully prepared mix that only serves to convert hot air to cold air.

man driving vehicle

How Does Freon Work?

Freon is an antifreeze that is used in automobiles to chill the air.

We already know that Freon is a kind of HCFC (hydrochlorofluorocarbon) gas.

The compressor pressurizes the Freon, turning it from a gas to a liquid.

Your car’s AC compressor may be broken, causing it to shake and vibrate.

The difference in pressure between the inside and outside of your car’s cabin allows for the creation of cool air, which is then circulated throughout the vehicle’s interior.

Unfortunately, because automobile air conditioners are frequently unable to produce chilly air due to a lack of Freon when they are turned on, the car can become sweltering.

How To Successfully Remove The Freon From The Vehicle At Home

At home, an AC recovery machine is required to get rid of Freon from the automobile.

The cooling substance in the vehicle may be recovered and reused with AC recovery equipment.

When this machinery eliminates and recycles the refrigerant, it is done.

Use Caution

It is critical that you think about your safety when doing this procedure.

Freon or refrigerant is harmful to the human body.

If you breathe in freon through the air, you could suffer from breathing difficulties.

It will be excruciating if the freon comes into contact with any part of your skin.

You should therefore always wear appropriate clothing, safety glasses, and gloves when working with refrigerants.

It may even be a good idea to have goggles on hand in this scenario.

Please prepare ahead of time before you begin the process to ensure that you are safe.

If you are not used to freon or refrigerants, we usually recommend hiring a professional to perform this task for you.

Removing Freon From The Car In A Safe Manner

Start by putting on your safety equipment.

It is a good idea to take any necessary precautions when getting rid of Freon from your automobile.

This is not just for this project.

Anything you do in the car must be done safely.

man driving car during daytime
  • Before doing anything, wear hand gloves and safety glasses.
  • Check the Freon level of the vehicle (if it is possible).
  • You will require assistance at various points in the process. As a result, keep that in mind.
  • When the Freon has been removed from the car air conditioner, switch off the compressor.
  • Confirm that the vehicle is not on.

Step 1: Locate The Low-Pressure Service Port

A low-pressure service port is most often positioned between the compressor and the evaporator on larger diameter air conditioner lines.

A black or blue plastic cap may be found on the low side, as well as on the low-pressure service port.

Next, look for the compressor.

The fan belt drives a compressor at the car’s front that closes the radiator.

The connection from the AC compressor to the evaporator phase is the next stage in this process.

The evaporator, behind the dashboard near the firewall, is located just beneath the windshield.

This line generally has a low-pressure service port with a blue or black plastic cap that must be removed.

black vehicle interior

The low-pressure service port may be found on the same line as the high-pressure service port in certain cars, or it may be located immediately adjacent to the A/C compressor.

It is time to join the service hoses from the recovery machine to the service ports on the air conditioner system now that you know where your low-pressure service port is.

Step 2: Begin The Recovery Machine

If you have found the low-pressure service port and linked the recovery machine to an air conditioner’s service port, that is wonderful.

Run the recovery machine to eliminate Freon vapor non-condensable gases from the vehicle’s air conditioning system. Some of the cooling chemicals, on the other hand, will be in liquid form.

Allow the recovery machine enough time to get used to the pressure of the system, and the liquid part of the refrigerant will condense into vapor.

This is due to the fact that Freon’s internal pressure has been exceeded.

The recovery machine will switch off automatically when the vehicle’s system is depleted.

Step 3: Turn Off And Disconnect The Recovery Machine

The final stage in removing Freon from a vehicle’s air conditioning system is to disconnect the recovery machine from a service port.

Before you remove a recovery machine, make sure the server hose valves are shut.

Shutting off valves on hoses is necessary for older types of recovery equipment, which are primarily used to remove R-12 Freon, to function.

However, because typical refrigerant loss occurs with R-134a Freon, one receives a rapid detaching system.

What Should You Know Before Getting Freon Out Of The Car?

Now that you know how to get rid of Freon in your automobile, there is no need to panic!

You have learned how to eliminate Freon from your automobile.

If you carefully follow these simple steps, you will be fine.

Getting rid of Freon will be a cinch after that.

Here are some additional things to think about:

  • Do not remove any hoses if any Freon remains in the vehicle’s air conditioner since Freon is dangerous to both you and the environment.
  • In certain jurisdictions, releasing Freon into the atmosphere without a valid reason is against the law. Freon must be disposed of in a safe and responsible manner.
  • Before allowing Freon to be released from automobile air conditioners, some jurisdictions demand EPA certification.
  • If your state has a requirement for a certificate, you must not take the Freon on your own. After all, we must comply with the law at all times.

Is It Possible To Get Rid Of The Refrigerant From The Air Conditioning In My Car?

You have now learned how to eliminate Freon from your vehicle.

If you follow these simple instructions carefully, you should be fine.

Getting rid of Freon will then become a snap.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • When removing the air conditioner’s hoses, be cautious not to touch any Freon since it is hazardous to both you and the environment.
  • In certain jurisdictions, disregarding a proper reason for releasing Freon into the air is strictly prohibited. Appropriately disposing of Freon is required.
  • Before permitting Freon to be discharged from automobile air conditioners, several jurisdictions demand EPA approval.
  • If your state has a certificate requirement, you should not attempt to remove the Freon on your own. Of course, we must always comply with the law.

Is It Possible To Remove The Refrigerant From The Car’s Air Conditioning?

If you are unfamiliar with the process, an expert should take out the Freon from your automobile because they have done it before at home.

Due to the combustible problem and environmental responsibility, removing refrigerant from a car’s air conditioner is strictly prohibited.

However, if you do it carefully and confidentially, you can perform it in your garage.

You should always be cautious with your cars.

If you are concerned about the vehicle being damaged, take it to a professional repair shop or a Freon removal expert with a Freon removal license.

By handing over total responsibility to an expert, you are delegating complete liability.

How To Discharge Car AC At The Home

Before we get started, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this is a workaround.

The refrigerant is kept in the evaporator section until you are ready to refill it.

This will save you money and time by eliminating the need for renting and deploying equipment.

So here we go:

  1. Turn off the thermostat inside.
  2. Locate the refrigerant’s low-pressure side and the compressor’s suction side. The condensing unit is where you will find the latter. But, once again, it is entirely up to you to link these two things together.
  3. Close the service valve on the low-pressure side of the condensing unit with your wrench. You may require a hex key rather than a wrench depending on the valve.
  4. Close the service valve just a little on the high-pressure side now. It is not necessary to shut it completely. Leave the hex key in its current location.
  5. Start with the compressor, and turn it on using a low-voltage jumper.
  6. Keep an eye on the low-pressure valve while it empties.
  7. Immediately after the vacuum is achieved, shut off the service valve.
  8. Finally, switch off the compressor. (Opposite of step 5).

Note: Steps 7-8 must be completed within a very short time period (processes 7 to 8).

The thermostat may fail, which will cause your compressor to break down. As a result, make sure you are attentive and quick.

If you need assistance with any of the procedures, have a family member or friend assist you.

Removing refrigerant from an automobile air conditioner is a simple operation that does not require technical knowledge.

However, if you have never attempted anything like this before and are unsure about the process, parts, or mechanisms, I recommend hiring someone.

Any mistakes might have serious ramifications; as a result, I am sure you do not want to experience them.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Would It Cost To Get The Freon Removed From The Vehicle?

The cost of replacing a Freon refrigerant in your car can range from $180 to $260 for garages, with Freon costing around $50 and $120.

The automobile’s air conditioner works quickly to cool the vehicle and keep passengers comfortable while driving.

Refrigerants must be replaced on a regular basis and correctly.

What Is The Recommended Amount Of The Refrigerant For The Car?

You should contact your manufacturer or have the mechanic measure the amount of refrigerant if you want to know how much refrigerant a vehicle needs.

Because the quantity of refrigerant required for automobiles varies, different sorts and amounts of refrigerant are necessary for various sorts of cars.

You do not want to over-inject if the car’s system is weak, for example, because most of the new types of automobile air conditioning systems only contain 14 to 28 ounces of refrigerant.

If your automobile’s air conditioning system is in good working order, you may add the correct amount of refrigerant.

The typical capacity of an R-134a can is 12 oz.

Number Of Cans It Takes To Recharge The Car?

Only one compressor is required if it provides cool but not icy air.

If your automobile isn’t too old, R134A is the way to go.

Do not buy it unless it has a stop leak.

It might entirely clog the system, and you will need the help of an expert to repair any damage caused as a result of this

Refrigerant/Freon is now so efficient that a little quantity is required to keep vehicles cool.

However, bear in mind that even a minor increase in the amount of Freon in the automobile airconditioning system might result in serious issues.

When It Comes To The Freon, How Long Would It Take For It To Settle In The Car?

The amount of Freon that must be removed from an automobile is determined by the car’s Freon level.

It might take up to two hours for Freon to settle in a vehicle.

If your car has a low Freon level when you begin adding it, the compressor may not turn on until a sensor detects a certain minimum amount of Freon.

Allow for another 15 minutes for charging.

Is it feasible to use the same freon in the automobile and at the home?

You will never forget the massive difference between a home air conditioner and a vehicle air conditioning unit.

You can utilize R-22 or R-410a, or a combination of both, depending on the size of the device.

Your automobile, on the other hand, can use R-12 (refrigerant), Freeze-12 (refrigerant), R-13a, or alternative forms of refrigerant or Freon.

They are incompatible due to their type or quality.

The usage of Freons in tandem is a surefire method to damage anything you are working on.

Using the incorrect Freon may result in substantial damage to your home air conditioner and automobile.


The task of removing Freon from a vehicle at home is not as difficult as you may believe.

If you follow these steps, you can readily remove Freon from the car’s air conditioner.

So, we have outlined everything you need to do to remove Freon from your automobile using an ac recovery machine as well as the significance of remembering safety first and following all of the safety measures I mentioned previously.

We realize that locating the Freon recovery equipment is tough due to a number of reasons.

To protect the environment and ensure that the procedure is done correctly, many spots need certification to remove Freon from a vehicle.

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Jeffrey Bryce is an experienced motorcycle rider with years of experience caring for motorcycles. His natural fondness for motorcycles have made him come up with, which is dedicated to answering and teaching you how to care for your bike with the care it requires. LetsGoForARide is the one of his important lifework in reaching out to communities of motorcycle enthusiasts on how to take care of their bike and choosing the correct spare part.