oil drain plug stuck

Oil Drain Plug Stuck


August 10, 2022

When it comes to removing the oil filter, you should never overtighten your drain plug.

This can lead not only to an expensive replacement of part but also injury if done incorrectly and caused by forcefulness or lackadaisical manner while doing so!

Do you know how to remove the oil drain plug stuck?

In order for this process to go as smoothly as possible; make sure there isn’t any grease around beforehand ( Grease will reduce how easily unscrewing takes place), and use gloves when handling tools near high temperatures such as propane tanks since they may cause burns on the skin even though unintentionally.

The ideal approach to removing a partially blocked oil drain plug is to use a lot of force and anti-seize lubricant.

Because the area underneath the vehicle is often limited, getting adequate power will be difficult.

However, in this article, I’ll show you a few methods to accomplish it.

When performing maintenance on a car, safety should take precedence over any other factor; this I’ll emphasize many times throughout the essay.

6 Ways To Eliminate a Stuck Oil Drain Plug

The oil drain plug is designed to keep excess spillage away from your engine and can be a real pain when it gets sticky.

The vibration of driving over long distances may cause some cars’ plugs sealant to seep into the threads, leading up slippery hex-head bolts which makes unscrewing difficult with any degree of force required!

However, the much more common way of getting an oil drain plug stuck is to overtighten it.

I’ll teach you how not only to loosen but also properly tighten up on these plugs once we get them unstuck!

Working underneath a car can be tricky, especially if you are not used to it.

The best place for this job would either involve working in an enclosed space with raised platforms or using help from someone else who has done similar work before since they will know what tools are needed and how everything works together properly!

When you can’t find a curb in your neighborhood, try driving up with one side of the car on an even surface.

It’s not ideal but it’ll do!

When working on a car, it is important to remember that bolts are unscrewed by turning them anti-clockwise.

This will keep you from having an issue with snapping the bolt off in your quest for fixing various problems under vehicles!

Oil Drain Plug Stuck

List of Tools for Every Situation

Here is a list of tools you will need in order to remove that pesky stuck plug.

I’ve ranked them from hand wrenches all the way up through an extra-long ratchet so there’s something for everyone!

Use sockets rather than a traditional wrench to remove your bolt since you have greater control.

If the extra-long ratchet piqued your interest, be sure it’s included in one of these kits before purchasing so there are no problems!

1. Anti-Seize Spray

The anti-seize spray, on the other hand, may not be as quick at passing through cracks, but it’s still beneficial.

Spray and allow to sit for a few minutes before wiping away any extra residue with an old cloth to enhance your grip.

2. Get The Basic Ratchet

You can try to unscrew the bolt using a socket, but make sure you place it well on before applying even pressure.

The one thing that will really help is if your socket fits nicely against its head so there’s little chance of slipping or rotating while turning counterclockwise which may damage either item-and definitely don’t smooth out any edges!

3. Wrench and Hammer

If the socket doesn’t work, then it’s time for some serious determination.

Put on a pair of gloves and make sure that your vehicle is stable before proceeding with this task!

To break the bolts loose, first, place your thumb on top of it and then push down with all your weight.

Keep in mind that you want to strike just enough so as not to damage anything but also to get access quickly!

Afterward, hold up high or low depending on what works best for angles- be mindful about keeping this tool away from any open wounds because if there’s an injury it’s sure going into attention overload here.

4. Longer Ratchets

Hammers are great for getting things moving, but if you have the opportunity to use an extra-long ratchet instead of just a wrench it will allow more leverage and give your arm some relief.

This is because, with room to turn by only a couple of inches at most (or less), this tool should be able to take care of everything easily without too much trouble!

Once Unstuck.

5. Impact Wrench

Impact wrenches are not the best tool for popping tight bolts.

If you have no need for an impact wrench, tip a worker at your local tire shop who has one on his air-powered variety instead!

Personally, I don’t really like using them because there are so many other ways to get jobs done but we’ll have to explore all options before deciding what will work best in this situation too – just make sure that whatever resurfaces gets put back together with its original parts attached.

Be quick about letting go of the trigger when plugging in your car.

Otherwise, you may unscrew it entirely and pour oil all over yourself or worse!

6. Use A Car Jack

A few months ago I discovered a method for lifting heavy things that have truly changed my life.

The best part?

It only takes one tool!

No more backaches or stiff arms to struggle with tasks around the house – this is hands down what you need if your movements are being restricted by an object.

oil drain plug stuck

How to Remove a Stuck Oil Drain Plunger

Removing the oil drain plug is a complicated process, but there are several ways to do it.

Welding an iron plate onto your car and using that as leverage usually works well enough for me- though I wouldn’t recommend doing so on account of how little space we have here in this article detail section!

Instead, opt instead to go ahead with bolt extractors which will leave you ready at any time to remove anything else from the underhood easily without having to deal with too much hassle or risk involved during removal efforts.

How to Remove a Stuck Bolt

  • Put on a pair of gloves. Experiment with various bolt extractors to discover the one that best fits.
  • The extractor bites into the bolt head, so it needs to be firm. hammer the extractor in place with solid strikes.
  • Don’t apply too much pressure or strike the oil pan, since both may damage it.
  • Attach the rather and unscrew the bolt once the extractor is secured in position.
  • Find a high-quality replacement bolt for the oil pan’s seal.

How to Change Engine Oil

To change your oil, you’ll need to remove the drain plug and collect old oils in an appropriate container.

You can do this with a few simple tools: pliers or tongs for grabbing onto nuts and bolts securely without spilling any precious fluids; needle nose plyers are perfect when it comes time to insert joints into tight spots where fingers just won’t fit!

Warm the oil slightly before running the engine. Place the oil pan beneath the drain plug.

Remove and allow to drain the oil from the plug.

If it’s time for a new oil filter, take it out.

Because it retains hot oil within, wear gloves and quickly pour out the oil once you’ve removed it.

Put back in place.

Pour the specified amount of oil into the engine’s top, then remove the cap and add 5-10% less.

Run the engine for a minute, then check the oil level with the dipstick.

If it’s low, add some more oil; repeat as needed.

Pour out any old oil from the pan.

Frequently asked questions

What Is The Best Way To Tighten An Oil Drain Plug?

The one thing you don’t want to do is continue pushing past that point, as it will cause your plug hole to be tighter and stop any leakage.

The recommended torque for a new engine blockplug ranges between 20ft-lbs – 33 ft-lbs depending on what they are made out of (stainless steel) but there’s no need to fret about an exact figure because screwing them into place with force will allow us enough information needed without needing anything more precise than “tight.”

What Is The Cost Of An Oil Drain Plug?

If you do not change your drain plug regularly, it will eventually seize and stop draining water.

As a result, the engine may overheat and be ruined.

Changing the drain plug is one of the most important maintenance tasks for your vehicle, so don’t skimp on this!

Instead, spend a few dollars more to get an actual steel core instead.

How Often Should You Change The Oil Drain Plug?

The drain plug on your car is one of the most important parts, as it allows you to remove any excess fluid from within.

The original oil drained through these holes will last for years if they’re only used with high-quality tools and never overtightened!

Is It Possible To Re-use An Oil Drain Plug?

Oil drain plugs are the most common type of automotive repair needed on your car.

They’re located in all types and models, so you can bet that one will be near any time there’s an oil change!

These metal pieces have various shapes with different angles to create a seal when screwed into place – just like how wheels get locked down by themselves at high speeds without anyone doing anything special about it for safety reasons.

How Do You Know Whether The Oil Plug Is Faulty?

What’s that dark spot on your driveway?

Is it time for a new set of gaskets!

You might not think so, but the problem could actually be worse than you realize.

Taking care of oil pans is important because once they start leaking there’s no turning back and anything below ground will get wet – including expensive parts like engines or belts (or even people).

Make sure everything looks good by checking from every angle before using it again.

What’s The Location Of My Oil Drain Plug?

The oil drain plug is a crucial component of your vehicle you should be aware of its location.

In the bottom-most position, it faces or lies flat against the ground and may have been covered by a skid plate depending on how old/newer model car owners are looking at fixing this problem in their vehicles today!

You can’t see it when you’re underneath, but there are a few clues to help find your transmission case.

If all that’s left is metal with no other engine parts attached then chances are good this was what we were smelling before – and now knowing which part of the car has an oily residue will keep our hands away from wherever they shouldn’t be going!


The oil drain plug is an important part of your vehicle that you should take care to replace when needing service.

If it gets stuck, there are several ways for removing the problem and staying safe around high-quality tools in order not to strip their bolt head; but I would advise doing it at home instead since this task will require less time than taking my car somewhere else!

If you notice any dark spots on your driveway, make sure to check the oil drain plug for any leaks before continuing use.

Thanks for reading!


Jeffrey Bryce is an experienced motorcycle rider with years of experience caring for motorcycles. His natural fondness for motorcycles have made him come up with LetsGoForARide.com, which is dedicated to answering and teaching you how to care for your bike with the care it requires. LetsGoForARide is the one of his important lifework in reaching out to communities of motorcycle enthusiasts on how to take care of their bike and choosing the correct spare part.