Reset Oil Light Honda Odyssey


August 10, 2022

When you see your Honda Odyssey’s Oil Life indicator blinking in red, it means that there is not enough engine oil for optimal performance.

The more miles on the odometer will decrease how long this reading can last before needing an update!

The Honda Oil Life indicator is a simple yet important tool that helps you know when your engine needs an oil change.

If it reads 50%, this means the motor has used half its total supply and will need re-fill before going on another trip!

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the life light and reset oil light honda odyssey.

What Does the Odyssey Oil Life Light on my Honda Mean?

The Honda Oil Life light is an important part of your car’s maintenance system.

It reminds you when it’s time for some new motor oil, and also shows how well-maintained everything else in the engine compartment has been over time with this simple indicator on top!

Honda incentives are fantastic, but keep in mind that your car must be serviced and maintained at 15% or less of its market value!

The oil pressure light should only come on your car’s dash when there is a problem.

This caution signal appears to be leaking gasoline and will display flashing icons, suggesting you must address the situation right away before it gets worse!

If this happens when you’re driving slowly or when your car is first starting up, you should be wary because it’s easy for accidents to happen when drivers don’t detect these mistakes until it’s too late.

When the oil light is on, stop your automobile as soon as it’s safe.

This might be an indication of serious damage and the need to call for assistance RIGHT NOW!

The Oil Life light can save you hundreds of dollars in engine repairs due to the harmful effects of low-quality oil on your automobile’s engine.

You’ll always be aware when it’s time for a new upgrade, thanks to this straightforward but effective idea!

reset oil light honda odyssey

How to Reset Oil Light Honda Odyssey

The process of resetting your oil light in a Honda Odyssey is an easy one, but it varies depending on which model you have.

Whether it’s 1995 or updated with more modern features like wireless charging stations for phones (a must-have!), we’re here to help walk through every step so that this task becomes nothing less than simple!

How To Reset The Honda Odyssey Oil Life on Older Models

How to Reset the Oil Life on a Honda Odyssey Model Older Than 2008

  • To begin the reset process, first, turn off the engine. Then, hold down the Select/Reset button for about ten seconds. This button may be found in your Honda Odyssey’s instrument panel.
  • Turn the ignition to the ‘run’ position (to the position before completely starting your car) by pressing down on the Select/Reset button. Continue to hold down the button for 10 seconds, and the oil light should reset.
  • Remove the button and turn off the engine. The car’s engine must be restarted now that the reset has been completed.

How to Reset the Oil Light on a Honda Odyssey Made Between 2005 and 2017

When your Honda Odyssey needs an oil change, a wrench-shaped light will appear on the dashboard.

You must reset this indicator once maintenance work has been completed for easy instructions

Use the SEL/RESET button to find out how much oil life you have left.

You can do this by turning it until online displays in either metric or imperial units depending on your vehicle make and model, then press Enter key once done doing so!

The oil life percentage message should now be displayed.

Hold down SEL/RESET for 10 seconds, then release when blinking occurs- this will reset your device and return you to the main menu!

With the SEL/RESET button held down, press and hold again for five seconds.

The screen should now say Oil Life 100%!”

reset oil light honda odyssey

How to Reset the Oil Life Light on a Honda Odyssey 2018-2021 Model

With each new model, the Honda Odyssey has improved and now offers two methods for resetting your oil life light: using an instrument panel or touch screen.

Let’s look at the two different methods for turning off the Oil Life Light.

Using The Touch Screen To Reset Oil Life Light

Step 1 – To access the touch screen menu, go to Settings.

Step 2 – Select Vehicle and Maintenance Information.

Step 3 – Next, choose Oil & Filter.

Step 4– Then confirm by tapping Reset once again.

Step 5 – The Oil Life indicator should now display 100%.

Resetting Oil Life Using The Instrument Panel 

Step 1 – Set the Honda Odyssey’s power mode to ‘On.’

Step 2 – Once you’ve found the “Enter” button on the steering wheel, press it until you see the home screen on the screen.

Step 3 – Highlight “Maintenance” on the menu using the up and down buttons, then press “Enter.”

Step 4 – With the up and down arrows, choose “Oil life,” then press “Enter.”

Step 5 – After 10 seconds, press ‘Enter’ once again.

Step 6 – Select ‘All Due Items’ and then press and hold ‘Enter.’

Continue to press ‘Enter’ until a message appears on the screen stating that the reset is now complete.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does a Honda Oil Light Indicate?

The Honda Oil Life light is there to make sure you don’t take your car out on a high-mileage trip with low-quality oil.

It can be hard for people who are not aware of this, but the percentage displayed by this little guy isn’t telling them how much left they have in their tanks—it just means that 25% or less than full!

The percentage of oil left in your car’s engine is an easy way to know when you should schedule routine maintenance.

If the Life says 15%, this means that it will be time for a change soon and if 5% or less remains after checking fluids like transmission fluid, then there may not be enough left on hand before changing them all at once so don’t forget about those!

And remember-less equals more risk.

How Often Do You Need To Change Your Honda Odyssey’s Oil?

The best way to keep your Honda Odyssey running smoothly is by making sure that it has the right type of oil.

A 3,000 – 5k mile check would require an annual visit with conventional oils while those who use synthetic will only need one every 7500 miles or so depending on how often you drive their car in comparison!

Is it necessary to use synthetic oil in my car?

Honda oils are known for their high quality, but they also have a recommendation when it comes to using synthetic motor oil.

Honda states that drivers should change the fluid within 7500 miles if they want optimal performance out of their engine and avoid costly repairs down the line!

How Do You Check The Oil In A Honda Odyssey?

Honda vehicles are known for their excellent fuel economy, and it’s easy to see why when you use this simple guide.

To check your oil level in a Honda Odyssey first find the bright handle of the dipstick- usually orange-colored!

Once found carefully pull up on its side with an old rag or cloth so that all four corners come off easily wipe clean before replacing back into place.

You can now insert the dipstick all of its lengths into your engine.

Once you have done this, remove it once more and look for where oil meets dry on either side at the bottom – if there are two dots or lines connecting them then no need to worry!

The oil should be reaching just below the line at the bottom if you add more.

What Is The Best Way To Reset Oil Life On My Honda Odyssey 2020?

The Honda Odyssey has an easy reset option for its oil life that can be accessed through either the touch screen or instrument panel.

We’ll show you how to do this in our article, and we also provide step-by-steps on both methods!

When choosing ‘Settings’, go down towards ‘Vehicle’ where it says “Maintenance Information’.

There are two options at the bottom including Oil & Filter.

Then tap them twice with your finger until they turn green after selecting Reset.”


Honda’s Oil Life light is a maintenance reminder system that lets drivers know when it’s time for an oil change.

The display shows how much life is left in your engine blocky, and when you get down to 15%, they’ll be sure to make the appointment before things go too far!

We hope this article has provided you with all the information needed to reset your Oil Life monitor after an oil change.

Whether it be a 1995 Honda Odyssey or 2021 model, we were able to provide help in getting rid of that pesky warning light and make sure accurate readings can continue flowing into our cars’ computers without interruption!


Jeffrey Bryce is an experienced motorcycle rider with years of experience caring for motorcycles. His natural fondness for motorcycles have made him come up with, which is dedicated to answering and teaching you how to care for your bike with the care it requires. LetsGoForARide is the one of his important lifework in reaching out to communities of motorcycle enthusiasts on how to take care of their bike and choosing the correct spare part.