group 94r battery

The Best Group 94R Battery


August 10, 2022

Car batteries in the group 94r battery are a popular choice since they provide great performance in a wide range of vehicle models.

As all vehicle owners are well aware, the car battery plays a crucial part in determining the overall functioning of the automobile.

That is why there is a great deal of emphasis placed on the brand of a car battery that you have installed under the hood of your vehicle.

Because there are several brands available on the market today, selecting one that will be efficient for your car can prove to be a difficult challenge.

You shouldn’t be concerned because this post will take care of everything!

As you may be aware, in addition to selecting a specific brand, you must select the appropriate group size battery for your car.

The manufacturer will normally recommend the group size that will provide the best overall performance in a vehicle, and this should be followed unless told otherwise by a skilled mechanic.

What Is A Group 94R Battery?

According to the Battery Council International (BCI), the dimensions of group 94R automobile batteries are 315x175x190mm.

What distinguishes this group size of car batteries from others is its capacity to provide an excellent start while also functioning effectively for the quick start-stop requirements of the vehicle in which it is employed.

The group 94R automobile batteries are used in a variety of well-known vehicle models, the majority of which demand high levels of power to operate at peak performance.

Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, Audi, and other automobile brands are represented here, as well as various maritime vehicles.

Regarding Battery Groups

As a starting point, it is important to understand that you should never try to utilize a battery that was not specifically built for your vehicle’s make and model.

For starters, it may not be able to fit into the battery bay.

In the unlikely event that an incorrectly-sized battery physically fits into your vehicle, it could cause damage to the engine or, in the worst-case situation, a fire.

If your car’s owner’s handbook specifies the type of battery required, you should only use that particular battery in your vehicle.

Group 94R Battery Reviews: The Top 5

The unrivaled starting capacity of group 94R car batteries, regardless of the outside temperature, as well as their capacity to be recharged in a short period, distinguish them from their competitors on the market.

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Furthermore, they are capable of fulfilling the demands of a current vehicle model that is equipped with several electronic components that would otherwise deplete a normal car battery to a dangerous level.

Some of the top brands of Group 94R automobile batteries are as follows:

1. Odyssey Battery Performance Automotive Battery 94R-850

If you want to get the most out of your money, this is the product for you.

As one of the best group 94R car batteries on the market, it can handle the demands of today’s high-tech vehicles.

A powerful engine and numerous electronic components are standard features in today’s cars.

The ability to constantly transmit electricity to these car batteries may be compromised by some automobile batteries, which may fail after only a few kilometers of operation.

This automobile battery, on the other hand, provides exceptional power.

1500A of Cold-Cranking Amps, which is unrivaled in the industry, maybe sufficient to power your vehicle.

There are just a few car batteries that can achieve this level of performance, and you will receive it from this alternative.

The reserve capacity of 150 minutes is also not disappointing, since the battery’s overall performance is not hindered in any way by the battery’s size.

Other characteristics of this car battery that will give you confidence when using it are its long life and capacity to perform well under deep cycle demands.

The A.G.M technology used in this automobile battery assures that the acid will not be harmful to the battery.

It accomplishes this by minimizing spillages that could otherwise cause damage to the car battery’s internal components.


  • It outperforms the original equipment batteries.
  • Designed to withstand the most demanding conditions.
  • CCAA’s reserve capacity is estimated at 150 minutes and CCA’s is rated at 1500A.


  • The performance is erratic and unpredictable.

2. ACDelco 36 Month Warranty 94RRAGM 94R

This is a brand of a car battery that you can rely on to provide you with the best possible performance from your vehicle throughout its lifetime.

For starters, this is a company that is well-known for producing high-quality products with functional designs in all of its product categories.

It is also built to last a long time, thanks to several features that make it less susceptible to a variety of situations that might otherwise damage a normal car battery.

If you own a BMW, you can upgrade your vehicle’s battery to a more powerful model.

This is not the greatest group 94R car battery that would give you impressive performance for your BMW, but it is still acceptable.

Some solutions would be more effective in terms of boosting its power.

The simple form of this car battery should be sufficient to persuade you of its suitability as a juice box for your vehicle.

One feasible design is a vent cap, which acts to prevent leaks while also limiting the impact of the shock on the battery’s internal components.

Another noteworthy feature of this automobile battery is its calcium lead plates, which have been specifically developed to reduce resistance while simultaneously increasing conductivity and capacity.

There is a cooling feature on the parts of the automobile battery, which helps to ensure the battery’s long-term longevity.

It also has the additional benefit of reducing the effects of shock.

You can also expect to be able to drive the vehicle for an extended period without the car battery malfunctioning at any point throughout that time.

Also included in this car battery are terminals that are meant to reduce the harm caused by corrosion on them—this will help to keep the car battery in good working order for a long time.

The Cold-Cranking Amp rating of this automobile battery, which is 800A, is one of the general characteristics that should persuade you of its capability.

This assures that you will be able to start your automobile flawlessly even when the weather outside becomes too chilly.

An oxygen recombination function also helps to reduce the loss of water from the car battery, reducing the need for frequent car battery maintenance and extending the life of the car battery.

This particular alternative does not disappoint when it comes to performance, which is something that you might look for in an automobile battery.

A high-density paste, which is a one-of-a-kind feature, is used to ensure performance in addition to the previously mentioned characteristics.


  • A high-density paste that provides excellent performance and long-term durability.
  • The use of a vent cap can help to reduce the likelihood of leaks occurring.
  • Even when it’s too cold outside, it provides the finest possible start.


  • It does not provide the greatest performance for BMW vehicles.

3. Delphi MaxStart AGM Premium BU9090R Automotive Battery, Group Size 94R

An extremely well-known automobile battery manufacturer is represented by this trademark.

Due to its qualities, which provide remarkable performance for the car model that it is utilized in, it has gained widespread acceptance.

This item should only be purchased after consulting a professional, as it may not be compatible with all vehicles.

Depending on the vehicle model and year, this car battery may or may not be compatible with it, necessitating the study necessary before purchasing one of these batteries.

Some consumers have also expressed concern about their vehicle’s battery malfunctioning or dying too quickly.

It is possible to have some of the best starts in the vehicle with an 800A cold-cranking amperage.

This is preferable to certain automotive batteries, which generate dull and disappointing starts when used in colder weather.

In addition, this car battery company offers a reserve capacity that is valued at more than two hours.

This is a characteristic that you will appreciate about them.

When it comes to a conventional car battery, vibrations are the most common source of damage, but this kind is different.

Specifically, the vibration resistance of this car battery helps to safeguard critical components of this car battery and guarantees that they function as intended.

A manifold venting system ensures that the interior components are not harmed by rust or corrosion.

To provide the car battery with a long cycle life while also maintaining maximum performance throughout, the A.G.M technology is utilized.

Intervals between recharges will also be enjoyable for you, as they will provide you with several advantages.

Furthermore, various characteristics, such as reinforced straps, posts, and welds on each of them, make it much easier to transport this juice box around with you.

Furthermore, the installation of this automobile battery is not restricted to a single position.

The two vents allow it to be fitted either in the trunk or in the cabin, which is convenient.

An open circuit can likewise be used to store the data.


  • Unmatched cycle life
  • Pocket-friendly
  • In a short amount of time, it can be recharged
  • Securely portable due to the reinforced straps and welds.


  • Premature death is a risk.
  • Vehicles of all makes and models are not compatible with one another.

4. Deka AGM Intimidator Battery 9A94R

This is a group 94R automobile battery that provides one of the best performances in any vehicle in which it is installed.

For starters, the business has established a reputation for developing some of the most innovative designs that ensure that clients receive value for their money.

You will need to contact your mechanic before purchasing this particular brand of group 94R car battery.

This is because it is not compatible with all vehicles that employ a car battery of this particular grouping capacity.

You will like the fact that it only takes a couple of hours to replenish this car battery—and that you will be back to utilizing it in your vehicle in no time.

The automobile battery, on the other hand, has a long life span and can keep your vehicle running for an extended period.

This is effective in the case of newer models of vehicles that have a variety of electrical components installed.

Because of the unique electrolyte suspension system, you will not be required to perform extensive maintenance on your vehicle.

This eliminates the requirement for you to check on the electrolyte’s status as regularly as you would have to if you were using a regular automobile battery.

In addition, the glass mats act to absorb electrolytes and keep them from depleting the water supply.

The main specifications of this automobile battery are ones that you can deal with.

It is therefore unnecessary to be concerned about the CCA rating being insufficient to meet the power requirements of your car model.

As a result of its seamless practical characteristics, this car battery provides unrivaled performance in the automotive industry.

You will receive a group 94R car battery, which is similar to the majority of the brands on this list and will last for a long period.

This eliminates the need to cope with the drawbacks that are prevalent with ordinary automobile batteries, which may be inadequate for the job.


  • Maintenance-free
  • Installation is not restricted to a single location.
  • Practical design


  • It is not functional with every make and model of automobile.

5. NORTHSTAR NSB-AGM94R Pure Lead Automotive Group 94R

This is a battery brand that is produced in the United States and that offers some of the highest performance available today.

In contrast to ordinary automobile batteries, it provides consistently improved performance throughout its life.

The only drawback is that this car battery is rather hefty, which makes it difficult to move around in a vehicle.

In addition, it is rather expensive when compared to the costs of the other brands on our list.

The brains behind the production of this car battery make certain that you get your money’s worth out of every purchase they make.

With some of the most advantageous characteristics of a car battery, you will almost certainly enjoy the experience that you have with this solution.

Its outstanding CCA rating helps to ensure that the car starts perfectly every time, no matter what the weather conditions are outside.

This implies that your vehicles will always run at peak performance right out of the box, no matter how demanding the outside conditions are on them.

The A.G.M technology, which is included in the majority of the manufacturers on this list, ensures that you will receive outstanding quality from the battery in question.

This is accomplished by the use of technology, which ensures that the internal components are not vulnerable to any conditions that could cause them to be destroyed.

Furthermore, you won’t have to worry about checking the water levels or cleaning the terminals, which will be lubricated as a result of the spillages.


  • Long-lasting
  • Extreme weather conditions do not affect this product.
  • You can count on our performance.


  • It is expensive and bulky, which limits its portability.


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What Is The Group 94r Battery And How Does It Work?

Automobiles, light industrial machinery, and passenger and light commercial vehicles all make extensive use of Group 94R batteries, which are also commonly found in these applications.

Batteries in the H7, L4, and/or LN4 categories are all examples of Group 94R batteries.

They are often found in automobiles manufactured by Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagen, Audi, and other manufacturers.

As a result of the manufacturing process, Group 94R batteries are designed to be maintenance-free, provide a strong starting current even in cold conditions, power a wide range of onboard electronics, charge quickly and withstand automatic start-stop applications, among other characteristics.

Is The H7 Battery The Same As The 94R Battery?

Yes, H7 batteries and 94r batteries are interchangeable.

This is not because they are created comparably, but rather because they are identical batteries.

The 94R is referred to as the H7 battery in some circles.

In other words, it performs the same functions as the 94R battery and can be found in the same vehicles, such as Mercedes and BMV, as well as in industrial equipment.

What Is The Application Of A Group 94r Battery?

Batteries from Group 94R can be utilized in several applications that demand big batteries of this type and size.

Batteries from the Group 94R are often found in light commercial vehicles and passengers vehicles, as well as in light industrial machines and equipment.

They are frequently found in automobiles from Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, Audi, and other manufacturers.

Is It True That All 94R Batteries Are AGM?

While not all group 94r batteries are intended to be made of absorbent glass material, the vast majority of them are constructed in this manner.

There is a large selection of models that are designed to serve two purposes and are made of absorbent glass material.

RC, CCA, and MCA batteries are examples of AGM models in the group 94r category of batteries.

Because of this, it is easy for you to locate group 94r batteries that are made of absorbent glass material (AGM).


There are various group sizes available for automobile batteries, but one group size that sticks out above the rest is the group 94R battery.

As previously said, the battery brands that fall into this category are extremely powerful, as evidenced by the car models in which they are installed.

Furthermore, the batteries available for purchase here can be used for a range of additional applications, such as marine and industrial vehicles.

They have a lot of power and are built to last for a long time. Their criteria go well beyond what is required for the majority of automobiles, and they are associated with brands that have a stellar reputation.

With each new type of tech that is integrated into today’s automobiles, the demands placed on batteries increase.

Therefore, battery technology must be constantly improved to maximize efficiency and long-lasting.

A large number of the batteries on this list meet or surpass the BCI criteria for batteries in this category.

The best source of information on which type of battery is most appropriate for your vehicle is, of course, the owner’s handbook.

If you are in the market for a 94R battery, this list is a great place to start.

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Jeffrey Bryce is an experienced motorcycle rider with years of experience caring for motorcycles. His natural fondness for motorcycles have made him come up with, which is dedicated to answering and teaching you how to care for your bike with the care it requires. LetsGoForARide is the one of his important lifework in reaching out to communities of motorcycle enthusiasts on how to take care of their bike and choosing the correct spare part.