What To Do When Being Passed By A Motorcycle?

What To Do When Being Passed By A Motorcycle?


February 22, 2022

“Look twice, save a life” isn’t just a motto; it’s sound advice.

While safety should always be your primary concern when you’re behind the wheel, when automobiles and motorcycles share the road in the summer months, it’s a good idea to be more cautious.

Remember, motorcycles are treated equally to cars on the road when it comes to rights and responsibilities. It’s critical for drivers to understand motorcyclists’ safety concerns, such as size, visibility, and riding habits, so they can properly react to them.

It is not unusual for a motorist to be caught in the slipstream of another vehicle. It may seem unimportant, but it isn’t.

In fact, passing another vehicle puts you at a number of the highest risks and hazards of any riding scenario, which is why we must employ defensive tactics in order to pass safely.

Tips For Passing Safely Near Motorcycle

What To Do When Being Passed By A Motorcycle?

Key Steps To Passing

For most riders, complete abstinence from overtaking isn’t likely, so let’s talk about how to pass safely and effectively. This means you should follow this basic pattern for every action you take:

  1. Scan the highway ahead and behind on both sides at all times, especially in the passing lane and cruising lane.
  2. Declare your intent to pass.
  3. Accelerate while beginning the technique.
  4. Make a wide turn around the vehicle you are passing.
  5. After you’ve cleared enough room in front of the car you’re overtaking, signal your return to the original lane.
  6. Merge and decelerate to the desired velocity

That’s the basic structure for safe passing, and it should be used every time you overtake another vehicle. However, there is a lot of variation in some circumstances due to differing details.

Passing With A Passenger

When you’re overtaking a motorcycle that has a passenger or is weighed down with extra gear, your approach differs.

If your bike is fully loaded, use the assumption that you will not pass unless absolutely necessary. A fully-loaded motorbike takes longer to accelerate and come to a stop.

For those times when you must pass while riding heavily loaded, try to avoid using the “gas it” approach and instead increase speed before executing the move. A fully loaded bike doesn’t have a lot of horsepowers.

Use the same logic as for unpacked passes: utilize the approach that takes the least amount of time throughout the whole passing process. The building-speed technique is generally the quickest when using a loaded motorbike.

No Unnecessary Risks

No Unnecessary Risks

Consider why you want to get your motorcycle license. Are you riding a motorbike because you’re going somewhere or because it’s fun? If it’s the latter, perhaps there’s something to be said for staying at the same speed as the cars around you rather than racing by them.

In most cases, if you reject someone’s overture, you’ve reduced your chance of being harmed.

Passing Safely In A Group

If you are in a group of riders who are approaching an automobile, make a pact ahead of time on how the group will or will not pass. While still making your own decisions, follow the instructions agreed to by the group.

It’s a blunder to blindly mimic the rider in front of you. To begin with, that rider may have distinct values from yours regarding what constitutes a safe opportunity to pass.

Second, even if the situation was suitable for his or her pass when you were ready to make it, it might have changed by then.

The ideal technique is to utilize the same methods and sensibilities that you use when riding alone. If you’re part of a group and choose to pass a motorist, be extra cautious before swinging wide.

Others in the group might not share your same caution, so they could decide to pass before it is their turn.

Passing In The Farm Country

An excursion through rural Pennsylvania or Wisconsin may serve as a timely reminder about the dangers of overtaking slow-moving farm equipment.

A motorcyclist would be at risk of being killed or seriously injured if struck by a vehicle moving on the highway. A tractor or combine is an automobile that plows fields and harvests crops.

This equipment is frequently huge, extending into a second lane. When operators are being distracted by a passenger or other vehicle, their attention may be taken off the road for a moment.

They might not have working headlights or signals; their stuff is bulky and can sling dirt onto the freeway, and they might turn into fields without a signed or apparent driveway because of unforeseen events.

Keep an eye out for these dangers as a hint to possible route modifications by a farmer.

How To Get Passed

What To Do When Being Passed By A Motorcycle?

Do you know how to deal with situations when you’re the one being passed? It’s advisable to leave your ego at the door, take a look at the situation, and then let it pass as cleanly as possible.

If you believe the situation is safe and acceptable for passing, stick with your plan and do not make any adjustments. Be ready to alter your strategy, though, and prepare a solution.

If you notice a motorist rolling out to pass on the highway, consider all of the variables before making a decision.

You want them to have a choice of going in front of you as well as the option to reverse their decision and come in behind you. It may be necessary to move to the side of the road to make room and slow down.

Additional Tips On Passing Safely

Here are a few more helpful hints for a peaceful journey:

  • Always check behind you before moving ahead to another vehicle if you’re going to pass one, particularly if there are other vehicles in the way.
  • In most states, a motorcycle is entitled to the entire lane. If you’re passing another motorcyclist, pass them in a different lane rather than using the identical one.
  • Always try to pass on the left if possible when riding in many traffic lanes. It’s fine to go straight if you’re alone. However, passing should take place on the left if you’re riding in a group.
  • Be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary that might cause other drivers to make abrupt directional changes. If you’re near a tourist attraction or another well-known landmark, expect last-minute swerving from other drivers. Always keep someone driving slowly in mind as a potential for a non-signaled, hazardous U-turn.

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Jeffrey Bryce is an experienced motorcycle rider with years of experience caring for motorcycles. His natural fondness for motorcycles have made him come up with LetsGoForARide.com, which is dedicated to answering and teaching you how to care for your bike with the care it requires. LetsGoForARide is the one of his important lifework in reaching out to communities of motorcycle enthusiasts on how to take care of their bike and choosing the correct spare part.