glitter window tint

Is Glitter Window Tint Allowed? Kansas Car Tint Laws


July 6, 2022

Window tinting is a popular way to customize your car and protect your privacy.

But what about glitter window tint?

Is it allowed in Kansas?

In this blog post, we will answer that question and give you a rundown of the Kansas car tint laws.

Stay safe and stylish on the roads of Kansas!

Is Glitter Window Tint Allowed In Kansas?

Yes, glitter window tint is allowed in Kansas!

You can add a touch of sparkle and personality to your car with this type of tint.

However, there are some restrictions on how dark your glitter window tint can be.

glitter window tint

Is Darkest Tint Allowed In Kansas City?

According to Kansas car tint laws, the darkest tint you can have on your glitter window tint is 50%.

This means that 50% of the light will be able to pass through the glitter window tint. Also, it must remain properly cleaned all the time.

If you want a darker glitter window tint, you will need to get a medical exemption.

You can get a medical exemption if you have a medical condition that makes it difficult to drive in bright sunlight.

Is 20 Tint Illegal In Kansas?

No, 20% tint is not illegal in Kansas.

In fact, 20% tint is the most popular tint of darkness for glitter window tints.

20% glitter window tint lets in 80% of the light and blocks out the majority of UV rays.

Can You Face Law Suite If You Violate The Law?

Yes, you can face a lawsuit if you violate the Kansas car tint laws.

If you are caught driving with an illegal glitter window tint, you may be fined up to $200.

We hope this blog post has answered your questions about glitter window tint and Kansas car tint laws!

Remember to stay safe and stylish on the roads of Kansas!

Glitter window tinting is a great way to add personality to your car while still following the law.

Window Tint Laws In Kansas For Different Vehicle Types

Take a look at the tint laws for different types of vehicles in Kansas.

  1. The front windshield can have any amount of tint.
  2. The front driver and passenger side windows must allow more than 43% of light in.
  3. The back driver and passenger side windows must allow more than 72% of light in.
  4. The rear window can have any amount of tint.

As you can see, glitter window tint is allowed in Kansas as long as it is not too dark.

If you want a darker glitter window tint, you will need to get a medical exemption.

Remember to stay safe and stylish on the roads of Kansas!

Glitter window tinting is a great way to add personality to your car while still following the law.

For Trucks

The tint laws for a truck are almost the same with just some exceptions and differences.

The front windshield can have any amount of tint.

The front driver and passenger side windows must allow more than 43% of light in.

The back driver and passenger side windows must allow more than 72% of light in.

The rear window can have any amount of tint.

Is Mirror Tint Legal In Kansas?

Yes, mirror tint is legal in Kansas!

You can add a touch of style to your car with this type of tint.

However, there are some restrictions on how dark your mirror tint can be.

The darkest tint you can have on your glitter window tint is 50%.

This means that 50% of the light will be able to pass through the glitter window tint.

If you want a darker glitter window tint, you will need to get a medical exemption.

You can get a medical exemption if you have a medical condition that makes it difficult to drive in bright sunlight.

glitter window tint

Can We Get A Medical Exemption For Window Tint In Kansas?

Yes, you can get a medical exemption for window tint in Kansas.

You can get a medical exemption if you have a medical condition that makes it difficult to drive in bright sunlight.

If you have a medical condition that makes it difficult to drive in bright sunlight, you should contact your doctor.

Your doctor will need to fill out a form that states your medical condition and why you need a darker glitter window tint.

Once you have the form from your doctor, you will need to take it to the Kansas Department of Revenue.

The Kansas Department of Revenue will then issue you a medical exemption sticker for your glitter window tint.

Remember, if you have a medical exemption for glitter window tint, you must keep the form from your doctor in your car at all times.

What Is The Darkest Legal Tint In Kansas?

The darkest legal tint in Kansas is 50%.

This means that 50% of the light will be able to pass through the glitter window tint.

If you want a darker glitter window tint, you will need to get a medical exemption.

You can get a medical exemption if you have a medical condition that makes it difficult to drive in bright sunlight.

Which State Has The Darkest Tint Law?

The state with the darkest tint law is Alabama.

In Alabama, glitter window tint can be up to 35% darkness.

Can You Get Pulled Over For Having Tinted Windows In Kansas?

Yes, you can get pulled over for having tinted windows in Kansas.

If a police officer believes that your glitter window tint is too dark, they will pull you over and ask to see your medical exemption form.

If you do not have a medical exemption form, the police officer will give you a ticket.

The amount of the ticket will depend on how dark your glitter window tint is.


Glitter window tint is a great way to add personality to your car while still following the law.

You can have up to a 50% glitter window tint as long as you have a medical exemption form.

If you do not have a medical exemption form, you can get pulled over and receive a ticket.

Remember to stay safe and stylish on the road!

What do you think of glitter window tint?

Let us know in the comments below!


Jeffrey Bryce is an experienced motorcycle rider with years of experience caring for motorcycles. His natural fondness for motorcycles have made him come up with, which is dedicated to answering and teaching you how to care for your bike with the care it requires. LetsGoForARide is the one of his important lifework in reaching out to communities of motorcycle enthusiasts on how to take care of their bike and choosing the correct spare part.