Tips To Be A Good Motorcycle Passenger

How To Be A Good Motorcycle Passenger? – Safety Tips


February 23, 2022

Riding with a passenger, or “two-up riding,” is one of the most enjoyable parts of having a motorcycle or knowing someone who does.

However, many non-riders are unaware that riding with a passenger can be rather frightening for a motorcyclist.

Here’s why: first and foremost, when transporting someone, riders assume a lot of responsibility; they may be used to biking without putting their safety in their own hands, but exposing another person to the same danger is a completely different scenario.

Motorcycles are also among the most fuel-efficient vehicles available.

Because they are so light, adding another person on the back of the bike has a significant impact on how swiftly the bike goes, brakes, and handles.

They must change their riding style to adapt. When you’re stuck in traffic, it’s all too easy to get irritable.

And when you have one of those awful “bad passengers,” who gets on and off awkwardly, wriggles about during the journey, and shifts their weight unpredictably, it can be incredibly unsettling!

Some riders will even refuse to ride with a passenger if they are that angry.

Having a pleasant passenger on a trip, on the other hand, can be an amusing experience.

Whether it’s for a quick ride around the neighborhood or an all-day excursion, whether or not the passenger in the back seat knows how to be a “good passenger” makes all the difference.

So we put up this article to provide you with some pointers and hints on how to become one so that your hips may always be welcome in the rear seat!

Tips To Be A Good Motorcycle Passenger

Wear a helmet

Wear A Helmet

Your head, in all likelihood, ranks near the top of the list of body parts you don’t want to get harmed.

An accident may cause significant harm to your head, especially if you’re ejected from the bike or collide with something hard and sudden. Wearing a helmet will keep your face, skull, and brain safe.

Helmets’ protective capacity is one of the reasons why so many governments now demand that motorcyclists use them. Regardless of whether or not your state demands it, you should have a helmet that meets the Department of Transportation’s standards.

You’ll love a helmet if you’re not a bug-enthusiast because it protects your head from concussions and scratches. Bugs, on the other hand, are oblivious to the fact that bicycles exist.

They’re more likely to fly into your eyes or mouth if you don’t wear a helmet. Wearing a face mask that covers the whole of your face will keep insects out of your diet. 

Wear A Jacket

If you’re going to ride as a passenger, you’ll need some sort of jacket. The finest type of leather jacket to wear while riding is one that’s genuine since research has shown them to be the greatest protection in the event of an accident.

However, if you’re a passenger and don’t have access to a leather jacket, your bike buddy may not either. If this is the case, try to find something that is as thick as possible. Use a denim jacket since it will be better than nothing if you don’t have a leather one on hand.

Don’t Wiggle Or Shift Suddenly

Tips To Be A Good Motorcycle Passenger

When you’re riding in a big car with four wheels as a passenger, your actions won’t have much of an impact on the vehicle’s handling.

A passenger’s motions, on the other hand, can influence the vehicle since the average weight of a motorcycle is about 600 pounds. The two wheels of a bicycle, along with the weight, necessitate that passengers be aware of their movement on the bike.

The most essential guideline is to avoid moving or jittering suddenly. Take note that any movement you make will be a surprise to the driver.

The driver may lose his or her balance if the passenger surprises him or her with sudden movements. A loss of balance might make it difficult for the driver to manage the bike.

This lack of control can sometimes cause the bike to fall over, putting the rider at risk of serious harm.

Wear Long Pants

Long pants are worn for the same reasons I previously mentioned for wearing ankle-covering shoes. Your feet and legs are subjected to rapid spinning wheels and searing pipes.

Your legs work hard for you, so it’s only logical that you try to safeguard them as much as possible.

Prepare For The Turns And Stops

Tips To Be A Good Motorcycle Passenger

Unlike a vehicle, you must be attentive to your body’s activities during stops and turns. You might feel compelled to learn all of your weight onto the driver’s back when pulling up to a halt.

The strain of leaning so much weight on the driver’s back, however, may cause the bike’s equilibrium to be thrown off, resulting in loss of control. 

Rather than leaning forward, you should lean back towards the bike’s rear. If you don’t have a backrest, place your feet on the foot cranks to aid in balance and weight distribution so that you don’t need to rely on the driver.

You should attempt not to battle with turns. When a bike makes a turn, it bends entirely to one side, which might cause novices to believe that they must struggle to keep their balance.

It’s difficult to comprehend how close you are to the floor while speeding along at such a great rate of speed, but you must fight your impulse to maintain proper posture. 

Sit Close To Your Driver

It’s usually a good idea to be as close to the rear of your driver as feasible.

You don’t need to be glued to them; all you need is proximity enough to comprehend their body language, such as how they lean during turns, so that you may follow what they’re doing and react accordingly in the event of an accident.

Use Hand Signals

Yelling will almost certainly be your first resort in the event of an emergency while riding. Using hand signals, on the other hand, is a wonderful method to communicate with your motorbike driver if you don’t want to have to yell.

Have a discussion before you both get on the bike and start riding about hand signals and what they signify. While on the road, other motorcyclists use global hand signals to communicate with each other, but you can invent your own if you’re new to it.

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Jeffrey Bryce is an experienced motorcycle rider with years of experience caring for motorcycles. His natural fondness for motorcycles have made him come up with, which is dedicated to answering and teaching you how to care for your bike with the care it requires. LetsGoForARide is the one of his important lifework in reaching out to communities of motorcycle enthusiasts on how to take care of their bike and choosing the correct spare part.