Motorcycle Coolant Vs Car Automotive Coolant: What's Their Difference?

Motorcycle Coolant Vs Car Automotive Coolant: What’s Their Difference?


February 22, 2022

Motorcycle coolant: What’s the difference between a motorcycle coolant and a car coolant?

Companies dye their coolant in two different colors, but if you have a blue engine for your bike as well. Can’t we just use regular household liquids like drinking water instead!?

Like cars, motorcycles have different types of cooling systems. However the size is similar with only minor differences between them – this means you can use a car’s antifreeze on your bike but be careful not to confuse it!

Are Both The Coolant Of A Motorcycle And That Of A Car Same

Motorcycle Coolant Vs Car Automotive Coolant: What's Their Difference?

The key variable here is what type and concentration level you have installed into your vehicle; These standards match up those required for automotive use, then there’s no reason not to take advantage!

You should always check the list of components for your bike before using car coolant. Some contain ingredients that are unsafe and can damage a motorcycle engine, so it’s essential you know what’s in there!

Can An Antifreeze Be Used In A Motorcycle

We recommend that you do not use a car coolant on your motorcycle. Motorcycles are delicate and easily be damaged by using the wrong type of liquid, which will affect performance in various ways!

If necessary for some reason then please make sure to get one with ethylene glycol antifreeze as its first ingredient rather than silicates because these ingredients help prevent corrosion at higher temperatures found inside cars’ radiators or boilers before they’re turned into steam heat sources

The long sentence above contains important information about why we don’t want people putting regular/car radiator fluids into our bikes  – both harms potential outcomes due to damages resulting from improper handling plus affects vehicle function too

Two Major Things To Consider If A Car Coolant Is Safe For Your Bike

Motorcycle Coolant Vs Car Automotive Coolant: What's Their Difference?

 Presence Of Antifreeze Ethylene Glycol  

Ethylene glycol, an ingredient in car coolants and other products such as antifreeze for cars or windshield washer fluid can be found naturally occurring within plants.

The critical role that this compound plays is due to its ability not only to dissolve water but also to hold onto certain chemicals necessary when breaks happen at high speeds on bikes without any sort of protective gear!

 Ensure There’s No Silate Present

 The car coolant shouldn’t have any silicates or phosphates in its ingredients. These can damage magnesium and aluminum parts of your motorcycle engine by causing corrosion, which is bad for seals but also eco-friendly!.

When it comes to choosing a coolant for your motorcycle, you need one that has the right chemical makeup and specifications.

If not then there is a risk of Performance degradation or costly engine damage caused by using an improper fluid type such as antifreeze in place of regular water-based paints like Toyota recommends on their website.

It is important to ensure your bike runs at top efficiency, make sure the coolant is specifically formulated for motorcycles. This will give it an extra measure of safety and peace of mind knowing what would work best with their engine type.

Benefits Of Using A Coolant

Motorcycle Coolant Vs Car Automotive Coolant: What's Their Difference?

The major role of a coolant is to help in cooling the engine to avoid overheating and to protect from freezing.

Other benefits include:

  • The fluid is non-corrosive to metals and will not destroy them over time.
  • The coolant in your car has special additives that prevent foam from forming. In case of any signs of it, the efficiency might be reduced when the cooling system works its magic!
  • They hinder deposit. (It hinders limestone deposits and others that could reduce the cooling system’s efficiency)

How Often Is Advisable To Change Your Coolant Liquid

The best way to keep your car running smoothly is by changing the coolant once every 2-5 years. The antifreeze will lose most of its benefits after about 10 months, but if you’re going for a lifetime formula then it may last up to 12+years!

Also, Your car’s coolant (antifreeze) liquid is tested using the Antifreeze/Coolant Tester.

Types Of Motorcycle Coolant

There are basically three types of coolant used by most car companies namely:

  • Inorganic Additive Tech (IAT)
  •  Organic Acid Tech (OAT),
  • Hybrid Organic Acid Technology (HOAT)

Identifying the right coolant for your motorcycle is a skill that’s essential and it will help you keep it running smoothly.

What Is The Colour Of Motorcycle Coolant?

When looking at your car’s antifreeze, the color should be green if it is still the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) before any fluid changes.


The coolant in your motorcycle is there to keep the engine running smoothly and efficiently. We recommended that you change it every two years with normal use, but if not more often than once per year will do just fine!

When changing out old fluid for fresh replenished goodness, make sure everything looks clear before operating any kind of machinery or getting back on board after resting—it could save both time (and energy) later down the line when trying to start up again after an unexpected interruption such as being stopped at traffic lights.

One of the most important things to look out for when buying coolant is that it doesn’t contain any harmful ingredients. Make sure you check each ingredient carefully before purchase and never assume anything!


Jeffrey Bryce is an experienced motorcycle rider with years of experience caring for motorcycles. His natural fondness for motorcycles have made him come up with, which is dedicated to answering and teaching you how to care for your bike with the care it requires. LetsGoForARide is the one of his important lifework in reaching out to communities of motorcycle enthusiasts on how to take care of their bike and choosing the correct spare part.