2013 prius maintenance reset

2013 Prius Maintenance Reset: The Definitive Guide


August 10, 2022

If your 2013 Prius maintenance reset light has come on, you’re not alone.

This is a common problem with this vehicle.

In this guide, we will show you how to reset the check engine light yourself, without taking it to a mechanic.

It’s actually very easy to do and only takes a few minutes.

Follow these simple steps and your car will be running like new in no time!

Best Techniques For 2013 Prius Maintenance Reset

Take a look at the five best techniques to get the job done.

1. The Odometer Technique

This is the most common and easy way to reset your 2013 Prius check engine light.

All you need is your car’s odometer reading. Simply follow these steps:

Drive your car until the check engine light comes on.

This could take a few days or weeks, depending on how often you use your car.

2. Use A Scan Tool

If you have an OBD-II scan tool, you can easily reset your 2013 Prius check engine light.

This is the quickest and most effective way to do it. Just follow these steps:

Turn on your 2013 Prius and connect the scan tool to the OBD-II port.

Select the “Clear Codes” or “Reset” option on the scan tool.

Wait for the check engine light to turn off.

This could take a few seconds or minutes, depending on the scan tool you’re using.

3. Disconnect Your Car Battery

If you’re having trouble resetting your 2013 Prius check engine light with the odometer or scan tool method, you can try disconnecting your car battery when causes overheating.

This will usually reset all the electronic systems in your car, including the check engine light.

Just follow these steps:

4. Turn the Ignition On And Off

Another way to reset your 2013 Prius check engine light is by turning the ignition on and off.

This will usually work if the problem that caused the check engine light to come on in the first place has been fixed.

Just follow these steps:

Turn on your 2013 Prius and let it idle for a few minutes.

Turn off the engine and wait a few seconds.

Turn on the engine again and let it idle for a few minutes.

Repeat this process until the check engine light turns off.

5. Get Mechanical Help

If you’ve tried all of the above methods and your 2013 Prius check engine light is still on, it’s time to get some mechanical help.

There could be a problem with your car that needs to be fixed.

Take it to a mechanic and have them diagnose the problem.

They should be able to reset the check engine light for you.

Thanks for reading and we hope this guide was helpful!

All safety features does a toyota have.

What To Do If It Is Still Not Working?

Get a 2013 Prius Manual if you’re having trouble resetting your 2013 Prius check engine light, you may need a 2013 Prius manual.

This will have all the information you need to reset the light and troubleshoot any other problems you may be having with your car.

You can find manuals for sale online or at your local bookstore.

Thanks for reading and we hope this guide was helpful!

1. Prius Check Engine Light Reset

If your 2013 Prius check engine light has come on, you may be wondering how to reset it.

Luckily, there are a few different ways you can do this yourself, without taking it to a mechanic.

2. Prius Check Engine Light

The most common way to reset your 2013 Prius check engine light is by using the odometer reading.

Simply drive your car until the light comes on, and then note the reading on the odometer.

3. Prius Maintenance reset

If you have an OBD-II scan tool, you can also easily reset your 2013 Prius check engine light.

Just connect the scan tool to the OBD-II port and select the “Clear Codes” or “Reset” option.

4. Prius Oil Reset

If you’re having trouble resetting your 2013 Prius check engine light, you can also try disconnecting your car battery.

This will usually reset all the electronic systems in your car, including the check engine light.


If you’ve tried all of the above methods and your 2013 Prius check engine light is still on, it’s time to get some mechanical help.

There could be a problem with your car that needs to be fixed.

Take it to a mechanic and have them diagnose the problem.


Jeffrey Bryce is an experienced motorcycle rider with years of experience caring for motorcycles. His natural fondness for motorcycles have made him come up with LetsGoForARide.com, which is dedicated to answering and teaching you how to care for your bike with the care it requires. LetsGoForARide is the one of his important lifework in reaching out to communities of motorcycle enthusiasts on how to take care of their bike and choosing the correct spare part.