How To Get Key Out Of Ignition With Dead Battery

How To Get Key Out Of Ignition With Dead Battery


August 10, 2022

Have you ever had your key gets stuck in the ignition and you can’t seem to unstick it?

This is a frightening scenario because panic sets in as you attempt all sorts of options before ultimately deciding that there’s no hope for escape.

Well, don’t worry!

In this post, I’ll show you how we were able to find our keys.

Let’s discuss How To Get Key Out Of Ignition With Dead Battery.

How To Get Key Out Of Ignition With Dead Battery

Why Is My Car Key Stuck In Ignition? Here Are 7 Reasons Why

When your automobile won’t start, the first thing you should do is the exit and observe the situation.

Is anything odd about the scene?

You could have left something in there or nearby, such as a key!

If that isn’t the case, try turning all of those locks (clockwise) before pushing any buttons; this usually works because most people don’t recall which way their key goes after putting it back together again.

The most typical situation in which a key will become trapped in the ignition is when it occurs while you are driving.

If this has been happening recently, there may have been an accident, and someone else caused damage to your car’s steering wheel control module, causing confusion as you try to turn over important components during repairs because you don’t know what they should do next- especially if these individuals don’t speak English as their first language!

After replacing the tires, the second most common reason for garage door keys to be locked out is when technicians enter work straight away – failing to double-check everything properly first.

The following are the seven most prevalent causes:

How To Get Key Out Of Ignition With Dead Battery

Failure To Set Parking Gear

Would you believe that there are some individuals who are unaware of this advice?

When removing your key from the ignition in an automatic vehicle, you must take special measures.

If you’ve owned an auto-transmission car for a long time, keep reading!

There may be some similarities between all automobiles and trucks – such as pedals for driving or controls within the cabin spaces – but each kind has its own set of distinct differences that are too essential to ignore, like whether they’re front-wheel drive or rear-biased or even what kind!!

So make sure you understand everything before going any farther than just unfastening Yourseatbelt ideally when attempting to restart after an interruption

The gearshift will only come out if the transmission is in neutral.

This makes it simple to tell whether your vehicle’s engine has been turned on or off correctly without any other gadgets, such as Bluetooth modules, which may be distracting while driving fast on highways with no billboards.

When your car is in the park, the digital display on the dash will show you if the transmission gear has been set to parking or not.

If there’s a “p” next to the symbol, it means they’re in the park and out of harm’s way because shifting without noticing can be dangerous!

Steering Wheel Lock

When you switch off the car while driving, the steering wheel will lock.

If there’s no time to completely stop before restarting, simply pull out the key and unlock it with a button or remote control unit if accessible!

If your car’s steering wheel is locked, you might need the assistance of an automobile locksmith.

Locking Steering Wheels are generally the result of people misplacing their keys or losing the ability to turn it in one of two ways: cutting off its power source (battery), leaving no wires connected so that nothing happens if someone else attempts pressing buttons wherever they believe is appropriate; another option is simply rusting away at metal parts, making turning impossible without special tools designed particularly for this type problem – but these issues can quickly be remedied once recognized before anything worse occurs!

If your car won’t start, you’ll need to use a key to unlock the steering wheel.

To do this properly, first turn off both ignition switches (keyword: remove) and then wiggle them back in place after unlocking without pressing too far down on either end of their shafts until they’re free from any obstructions or anyone else’s fingers!

Debris On The Key

The key may be dirty.

It’s possible that leftover fragments of tape or adhesive glue were left behind when you opened up your packages with the vehicle keys, and they’re now trapped inside!

It’s a good idea to double-check your key for any bent or broken parts before getting in the car.

You’ll want it in the auto-unlock position so that when you insert them into their respective slots, they can readily turn without getting caught on anything else!

When it comes to cleaning vehicle keys, you need to be cautious.

Allow no scratches or dirt build up on the outside or interior; make sure there are no scratches that would prevent proper key action while trying to remove locked keys from car ignitions.”

“Do not let dirt accumulate on the exterior or inside of your keys; make sure there are no scratches that might prevent effective key action when attempting to remove stuck keys from car ignitions

A Dead Battery

The battery is the most important part of your car.

If you have a dead or low voltage one, it can cause problems with starting and releasing ignition locks which could lead to more serious issues such as being locked inside of an automobile!

It’s difficult to get your keys out, so don’t be afraid!

Key extraction might need some force, but too much of it can have severe consequences.

Instead, use your hands or anything else that will fit into the keyhole without breaking any bones, such as spoons (you never know what you’ll come up with).

“Key Removal” sounds awful; how can I get rid of my own keys?

It’s not nearly as bad…when individuals break their locks, they put themselves in danger by attempting to repair them while standing outside with tools nearby since this does happen from time to time owing to negligence rather than intent.

If you have a friend that can jump-start your car or replace the dead battery, then they may be able to remove whatever is wrong with it before getting into intricate details like removing keys.

Damaged Key

The durability of your automobile’s key is something to be concerned about.

It may be bent or destroyed with normal use and abuse, making the lock ineffective for opening when needed most – during emergency situations!

Keys can be a nuisance.

They’re always in your way and they appear to never end!

Did you know, though, that if keys are frequently thrown about or put on hard surfaces, their edges will wear down over time?

When we bend our car key, what happens?

Because the metal is too thin for any locks to function effectively any longer, keep these suggestions handy before things get from bad to worse.

Make sure you inspect your automobile for any damage before starting on the weekends to avoid making it a priority.

If there are problems with keys and ignition systems, which can happen quickly enough, this task will last considerably longer than necessary!

A Damaged Ignition Cylinder

Some people think that a key stuck in the ignition is just an inconvenience but it can be quite hazardous.

An article on how to fix your car if you have this problem will help!

If your automobile key’s pins aren’t aligned correctly, they might detach from the metal shaft.

It’ll be tough for you to insert that pesky little piece of plastic into an ignition with this problem, so double-check them before each drive!

In such a case, inserting the key can be difficult, and even if you do succeed in placing it in, there’s a good chance that they will become stuck.

Manufacturers Recall

Imagine a world where your car is constantly breaking down.

You’ve got the junkyard to thank for its current state of disrepair, but what if NHTSA gets involved?

The safety agency will start an investigation into why these incidents keep happening and may even issue orders preventing certain models from being sold in America!

If the vehicle inspection findings suggest that it does not meet minimum safety standards or create any risks for users, then manufacturers are required by law to recall their models and fix these problems.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is a government agency that monitors vehicle accidents and the consequences they have on our roadways.

This may be of interest to you if you’ve ever been in an accident because it will allow you to come to terms with why things went wrong or what could be done differently the next time around!

How to Remove a Stuck Ignition Key

What to do if your car key gets stuck in the ignition?

You may be concerned about whether or not it’s safe, and we’ve come up with a few easy methods that will get you out of this difficult situation.

The first thing you should do is turn off both car doors’ engines by turning off either brake pedal (underneath).

Make sure there are no leaking pipes before proceeding; otherwise, the fire could start burning under our seat!

Set The Gear To Parking

Automatic cars come equipped with a safety feature that will automatically lock your steering wheel when you leave it unattended and parked.

Some people may not be aware of this, but manual vehicles have a function that prevents them from driving away without breaking.

When you’re in neutral and unable to turn, either way, the steering wheel will lock to prevent you from inadvertently putting your vehicle into drive!

Make sure your car’s gears are neutral and aren’t stuck in one position.

Before stopping, check that the ignition is turned off for manual vehicles, while it doesn’t matter at all for automatic cars since they will shift into Park as soon as you stop pressing the accelerator pedal without touching anything else!

To get rid of a jammed key, start by jiggling the steering wheel back and forth.

This may help loosen any tight regions that are causing more harm than good, so be careful not to hit anything vital!

That’s right, that candy scent will keep your puppy occupied for hours… and after they’ve exhausted themselves in the yard or on a walk with you, have them come inside to play.

The steering wheel could become locked due to the anti-theft mechanism, which places additional pressure on your car’s ignition.

This prevents you from being able to get out with ease because of how tight it is around these parts!

When you’re trapped in your vehicle, jiggling the steering wheel is a fantastic method to release the keys.

It will relieve any strain on the ignition and allow those pesky keyhole springs in the back to move forward, allowing for the simple removal of both hands from behind the center console!

Oil the ignition lock cylinder

When the ignition cylinder is not properly lubricated, it might lead to car issues.

This may include difficulties starting or random starter sequences that can lead to a Diagnostic Alignment Test (DAT) being performed on your car, which if there are sparks flying out of their place during this process, could result in significant repairs!

If your key is very dry, removing it might be difficult.

You could use graphite lube to lubricate and assist its movement, but don’t go overboard because you may stretch out your pinions!

Clean Out Debris

To keep your engine clean, perform a degreasing treatment on the keys on a regular basis.

Grime and dirt may build up on these delicate regions over time, causing them harm or leading to wear-and-tear if left unchecked!

The keyhole on an ignition cylinder is frequently filthy, which can cause difficulties when trying to start your car in the winter.

You could use WD-40 spray and then insert the straw at its opening for 2-3 quick splashes before wiping down all sides with a cloth or sponge to remove any residue where rust might develop later if not properly cleaned beforehand!

WD-40 can be a life-saver for individuals who find themselves locked out of their homes or vehicle.

You may believe that there is nothing left to try, but you should always keep one bottle on hand! Spray WD 40 onto any rusted metal surface and see if it prevents immediate corrosion; insert the blade directly into the keyhole – may be enough pressure will force the pop lock mechanism off itself allowing you to get back inside rapidly without having to use extra tools like tape or picks.

Check For Dead Battery

If your engine doesn’t start because of a low voltage or dead battery, you can jump-start the car.

You may also have luck tapping on the side if it’s not too deep in order to free up some space for movement before trying more drastic measures like replacing both batteries with new ones installed properly by professionals who know what they’re doing!

Broken Key

The following methods can be used to remove a broken key from your car’s ignition without causing any more damage or injury.

5-1. Use A Key Extractor

Locksmiths recommend you use a key extractor if your car’s ignition is broken.

5-2. Use A Hacksaw Blade

Hacksaw blades are thin, so they can easily slide into the ignition.

Once there turn slowly on your hack saw to unlock it before removing them from the inside and outside of the car keys with this helpful hint- always have another tool around when working!

5-3. Using Pliers

If you see a part of your key sticking out from the ignition, use needle-nose pliers to grasp it and pull away.

You can also superglue or melt wax onto these handles for an even better grip!

5-4. Using A Wire Coat Hanger

Hook the key onto a wire, and pull slowly away from the vehicle’s ignition.

5-5. Contact A Locksmith

If you’re having trouble with your lock, it’s time for an expert!

You can find a locksmith online or by getting referrals from friends and relatives.


When you find yourself with a key stuck in your car’s ignition, it can be terrifying.

The worst part?

You don’t know what caused this and there could potentially be universal reasons why such an issue arises!

If you have a stuck key, follow these simple steps to remove it.

If this doesn’t work or if your locksmith is not available in time for an important meeting then use the appropriate service!


Jeffrey Bryce is an experienced motorcycle rider with years of experience caring for motorcycles. His natural fondness for motorcycles have made him come up with, which is dedicated to answering and teaching you how to care for your bike with the care it requires. LetsGoForARide is the one of his important lifework in reaching out to communities of motorcycle enthusiasts on how to take care of their bike and choosing the correct spare part.