how to fix a blown head gasket without replacing it

How To Fix A Blown Head Gasket Without Replacing It?


August 10, 2022

How to fix a blown head gasket without replacing it?

The cost of a head gasket replacement can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on the make and model of your automobile.

The good news is that you may repair it temporarily until you save enough money to have the work done or buy a new vehicle.

Here is everything you will need to know about how to fix a leaking head gasket without replacing it.

A head gasket sealant is a suitable substitute for replacing your head gasket.

You essentially have no alternative but to replace or use a sealant after your head gasket has been blown.

The sealant is inexpensive and extends your engine’s life by a few months, or it might last a lifetime if there is a leak.

how to fix a blown head gasket without replacing it

Although the procedure is similar for all goods, not every sealant is compatible with every coolant.

It also varies depending on the material and the fuel used.

The proper combination can provide a long-lasting cure for your issue than the head gasket itself.

Head Gasket Repair With A Sealant

A blown gasket is a significant problem when it comes to automobile engines, as it might be the cause of numerous problems.

Replacement appears to be the only solution for a blown gasket issue, but not everyone wants to spend money on a gasket if their automobile is aging and on the verge of quitting.

A gasket sealer should be your first choice, which is quite cheap and can save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in replacement costs.

how to fix a blown head gasket without replacing it

Gasket sealers are remarkable in that they create a seal that will endure a lifetime.

The majority of them are not intended to be used for only a few miles and instead should last until you decide to change vehicles.

They are cutting-edge formulations with gasket sealing particles suspended in a sodium silicate sealing liquid enhanced with carbon fiber.

Gasket sealers consider a variety of variables, including the vehicle’s make and model, coolants, anti-freeze, and others.

As a result, they can be used on most vehicles – both gasoline and diesel.

They are also quick and help extend the life of your automobile.

How Does The Gasket Sealer Work?

The most famous sealing technique is to use of a liquid sealant in the cooling system.

After driving the car for about 30 minutes, apply it; this helps the sealant to flow throughout the engine and find the leak.

The seal can either be permanent or temporary, depending on the product, until you repair the problem.

The sealant works from the inside of the cooling system and builds up at the leak location.

The chemicals in action respond to heat. When exposed to combustion gases, they solidify.

The repair is completed when heat from the engine cures and strengthens the seal.

How Do I Use The Gasket Sealers?

Sealants might wear down with time, even if they were once excellent.

This happens when a solution is unable to keep repaired.

That’s why it’s critical to pick your gasket sealer carefully and strictly follow the instructions, as they say.

While most sealers are compatible with a wide range of fluids, make sure they are compatible with your antifreeze and coolant.

Another thing to consider is whether the product works with all engine blocks (aluminum, cast iron, and brass) as well as cylinder heads.

A few of them necessitate that the thermostat is removed or that all of the coolants in the cooling system be drained.

Once you’ve decided on a gasket sealer, follow these steps to get good sealing:

  • Shake the bottle to ensure that the contents are properly combined and free of sediments.
  • Use a flushing agent to clean the radiator; if no flushing agent is available, use distilled water instead. Continue until the fluid becomes clear. This stage is suggested but not required. However, if your radiator is filthy, you must flush it first before applying the sealant.
  • Fill the radiator with water until there are enough gaps for the sealant. Since the amount of product required varies depending on the number of cylinders, it’s a good idea to check beforehand how much you will need.
  • Start by adding the recommended quantity of sealant and putting the car in gear. Start with the heat at maximum, then set it to halfway and idle for 15-30 minutes. Set the fan to high. 9 Follow the directions supplied on the product.
  • Turn your vehicle’s engine off after driving it on the highway for approximately 5 miles, then turn it back on.
  • Drain the water and replace it with coolant if you used it to seal the pipe.

How Do You Choose An Appropriate Sealant?

As a result of its simplicity, low cost, and time-urgency, a head gasket sealer is undoubtedly one of the most inexpensive and time-critical items you can buy online.

It may save you thousands of dollars in vehicle repair costs.

Even after you decide to replace your car, the right sealant might keep the repair for long because it depends on the leak’s degree.

Sealants can help to prevent minor cracks from growing into major ones.

The substance you choose should be of professional quality for this to work.

You may not purchase the first sealant that comes your way. If you are searching for a long-lasting sealant, consider the following questions:

How Simple Is It To Use?

There are a variety of head gasket sealers on the market.

While the liquid version is most popular, there are also aerosol sprays.

Some simply pour and go items, while others need you to take precautions beforehand.

Is your sealant all about pour and go if it’s designed to seal leaks?

Before your engine and cooling system are ready, you must pre-prepare a few items.

Is it simple to do?

Can you perform them on your own or would you require the assistance of a professional?

They advise flushing out the coolants and anti-freeze from the system.

You may add them at a later time after the sealing procedure is completed.

Is It Compatible With The Engine?

The first step in selecting a sealant is to match your automobile.

Some are made specifically for gas engines, while others are designed for diesel engines.

Some may function only with a water-based cooling system and need you to drain and clean the system first.

An unsuitable product may make things worse, not better.

Before purchasing a sealer, read the instructions; depending on the model of your car, you may need to buy more than one bottle.

The number of cylinders is taken into account.

Is It Multipurpose?

Is your car’s head gasket the only problem, or do you have any other leaks?

If a blown/leaky head gasket is the only issue, specialized products may be available.

However, if you have additional leaks or engine issues, multi-purpose solutions could be worth checking into.

These multi-purpose solutions address a variety of engine block, cylinder head, radiator, and cooling system concerns.

You may do many tasks with one item and save money rather than spending money on every problem.

How Quick Does It Work?

If you only have time to deal with a small leak, your first option should be to get it repaired as soon as possible and go.

Yes, you can buy solutions that work swiftly, but are they any good?

It is pointless trying to repair a leak only for it to reoccur shortly afterward.

It takes one to two hours for a sealant to finish the sealing procedure.

Wouldn’t it be better to wait rather than apply a temporary solution?

So, pick a product based on how much time you have.

Temporary Fix Or Permanent Fix?

When selecting a gasket sealer, the durability of the solution is also critical.

You will want a remedy that stays in place for good.

There is no sense in picking a product that works only for a short time.

It is vital to keep in mind that since the head gasket is out of sight, you will not be able to see anything initially.

It is also got a leaking head gasket, and the engine is beginning to take a beating.

However, if you are planning on using one for a short period of time while waiting for your head gasket to be replaced, it would be wise to pick one that works best with the situation.

How Can You Prevent A Blown Head Gasket?

As previously stated, head gasket repair is a pricey, time-consuming operation that costs around $1000-$2000.

The component is not particularly costly, but the labor involved in disassembling and reassembling the engine adds to the total.

It might take a few days to weeks for the business to be busy.

Given the above, it is critical that you avoid such problems in the future so that you don’t have to deal with the associated expenses.

However, no matter how long a gasket sealer lasts, it will wear down over time and you will need to replace or declare the vehicle a total loss.

Here are some suggestions for preventing head gasket failure, stopping leaks, and so on.

  • If your car overheats frequently, bring it to an auto repair business or a mechanic for inspection. A red in the temperature gauge indicates that your vehicle’s engine temperatures are too high. If this continues, the head gasket will undoubtedly blow, unable to sustain the heat.
  • Check your owner’s handbook for the type of oil and coolant that you should use. Follow the instructions carefully, using the correct one for your car. The right sort will improve the car’s lifespan and keep internal components functioning. Also, be on the lookout for leaks.
  • Another item to look for is an engine misfire. If your car’s engine misfires have it looked at by a mechanic. Because it wears down the component rather quickly, it is another major source of head gasket failure.
  • Changes in oil are necessary for a purpose. For any reason, do not skip it. Many people prefer to put it off as long as possible, but a dirty engine oil can damage the head gasket and cause it to fail. Look up the required oil change in the owner’s handbook and follow it precisely.


A blown head gasket is a difficult problem to repair.

It involves a lot of labor and necessitates the replacement of hundreds of parts, making it one of the most expensive repairs in an automobile.

The best alternative, in this case, is to use a gasket sealer.

A gasket sealer is a liquid sealant that travels through the cooling system and seals the head gasket leaks when poured into the engine.

They seal with gases reacting to them and hardening as a result of engine heat.

When it comes to selecting a sealant, there are several things to think about, much like with all purchases.

The simplicity of use, compatibility, performance, durability, and so on are all factors that must be considered when purchasing a sealant.


Jeffrey Bryce is an experienced motorcycle rider with years of experience caring for motorcycles. His natural fondness for motorcycles have made him come up with, which is dedicated to answering and teaching you how to care for your bike with the care it requires. LetsGoForARide is the one of his important lifework in reaching out to communities of motorcycle enthusiasts on how to take care of their bike and choosing the correct spare part.