Motorcycle Chicken Strips - What Does It Mean

Motorcycle Chicken Strips – What Does It Mean?


February 23, 2022

Chicken strips are the unoccupied outside portions of your motorcycle tire. They’re called “chicken strips” because they suggest the rider is simply too “chicken” or scared to lean the bike any further.

Because he spent most of his riding time in an upright posture, he must have used the tire quite a bit. He seldom learned sharply as a result of this habit.

For the rest, chicken strips are the  motorcycle’s rear tire outer edges with the unworn sections that some riders refer to as “the unworn parts.”

Chicken strips have an unfavorable reputation since they are named after the rider being seen as being “chicken” enough not to lean his or her bike over in turns.

If the soft rubber on the tires’ edges doesn’t come into touch with the road, ridges form that is distinct from the worn center tread.


Motorcycle Chicken Strips - What Does It Mean

There are a lot of different scenarios that result in chicken strips. Before the tire reaches its edge, some bicycles scrape pipes, pegs, or baggage because of scraping pipes, pegs, or bags at the front wheel.

You may also observe chicken strips on a brand-new tire. It’s a good idea to ease off on new rubber for the first 50 miles or so, and you’ll almost certainly end up with fat strips that way. It isn’t a chicken move to properly break in new tires.

Chicken strips aren’t all that illuminating when it comes to judging other riders. But there is a lot of chicken-strip-shaming going on in some circles. While an expert rider’s bike may frequently bear the scars of a thoroughly thrashed tire.

You can also find them on totaled bikes at salvage auctions. Motorcycle strips are just one of the many things you’ll see on the road; they aren’t a good indicator of how I’d evaluate a person I had just met.

For example, body positioning may provide significantly more information regarding a rider than the tire’s edges. Tire wear is also influenced by the bike’s speed, suspension, and geometry, as well as the tire size and profile, as well as the sort of surface it is ridden on.

How Would You Get Chicken Strips?

When a biker makes a turn, it is thought that he or she leans the bike over. This implies that it should come into touch with the road. If this does not happen, you will receive chicken strips. It isn’t always so that when a bike isn’t leaned over, you get chicken strips.

It’s critical to ease into new rubber for your first 50 miles. Otherwise, you’ll get chicken strips. After all, if you break in new tires correctly, it isn’t considered a chicken move.

Should I Be Concerned About Chicken Strips?

Motorcycle Chicken Strips - What Does It Mean

No, don’t worry about the pressure. When you’re trying to figure out your lean angle while making a turn. The last thing you want to think about is how much rubber you’ll use to get rid of your chicken strips.

A person’s chicken strips are not a good basis for determining whether he or she is a competent motorbike rider. Furthermore, at salvage auctions, an experienced motorbike driver’s bike with no chicken strips is of little worth. 

What About The Chicken Strips On The Front?

Even among the most dedicated tread inspectors at the neighborhood bike night, front tires are generally exempt from chicken strip criticism.

“The only time I’ve seen street-legal front tires completely scrubbed to the edges was on Supersport motorcycles raced by MotoAmerica professionals,” says Editor Lance. There’s no need to be concerned about this poultry in particular. 

My Chicken Strips Irritate Me, How Can I Get Rid Of Them?

I’ve heard of people using a belt sander on their tires to get rid of the glossy chicken stripe on their motorcycles. Yikes! Don’t try it. If they ridiculed you before…

Take lessons in high-performance riding or a track day. Fast, experienced riders on high-performance motorcycles don’t use all their tires on the road since they’d have to ride an unsafe speed to do so.

But when they go to the track, they come back with tires completely “feathered” to the edges. Taking a track-based class or riding a track day will not only ruin those strips, but you’ll also learn from them. It’s a win-win situation.

Finally, if your bike is capable of going off-road, riding in the sand does the trick as well.

There Is A Big Difference In Chicken Strips

Motorcycle Chicken Strips - What Does It Mean

Chicken strips are quite variable on both the rear and front motorcycle tires. Even the most experienced and daring riders with no chicken strips on their back tires may still have them on their fronts.

Chicken strips, in fact, are a testament to a biker’s style of riding. If you’ve no strips on the back but do have them on the front. It indicates that your brake early, turn late, and accelerate while the bike is still leaning.

Riders who have no strips on the front tire but have them on the rear tire frequently go hard into turns and get on the gas sooner when they return to an upright position.

The wear of your tires is also influenced by several riding characteristics. The hardness of the surface, riding speed, road quality, and suspension type could all influence chicken strips on motorcycle tires.

Chicken Strips Can Depend On Your Bike And Tires

Cruisers are notorious for having insufficient cornering clearance due to their low footpegs, side/center stands, exhaust, and other hard components. As a result, cruiser bikes may never utilize the full width of their tread.

Dirt bikes are often equipped with higher ground clearance, but they seldom have to execute sharp lean angles. The tires on these two-wheelers can, however, be run down to the tread edge over time and delete their chicken strips.

Chicken strips may be affected by the tread pattern. Low and wide tires on sports bikes and some cruisers create a flat profile to the tire, making it even simpler to utilize the whole width of the tread.

It’s much more difficult to use the entire width of the tread with taller, narrower adventure and touring tires. So chicken strips on motorcycle tires remain.

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Jeffrey Bryce is an experienced motorcycle rider with years of experience caring for motorcycles. His natural fondness for motorcycles have made him come up with, which is dedicated to answering and teaching you how to care for your bike with the care it requires. LetsGoForARide is the one of his important lifework in reaching out to communities of motorcycle enthusiasts on how to take care of their bike and choosing the correct spare part.