Must Have tools for bikers

Motorcycle Tool Kit – 12 Must-Have Tools For Bikers


February 23, 2022

Motorcycle riding is one of the most adventurous activities that riders enthusiasts undertake.

Be it in an open road or small path, they have to rely on motorcycle tools for fixing punctures and other problems in their motorcycle.

It is important to keep motorcycle repair tools in your motorcycle tool kit when you are out riding. It can help you to quickly fix any difficulty that arises while on the ride.

A motorcycle is considered to be incomplete if it does not possess a motorcycle tool kit. In fact, the motorcycle is a two-wheeler vehicle that needs a lot of maintenance and repairing from time to time.

So, you must have a tool kit in order to repair your motorcycle. Some basic tools are also included in the list for making motorcycle riding easy and comfortable.

The motorcycle tool kit you carry around should have two main pieces. The first is motorcycle repair tools that will help you deal with bigger issues, like brakes, spark plugs, and oil changes. The second piece is emergency supplies that can get you out of trouble while still on the road.

Listed below are what I consider every biker must-have in their motorcycle tool kits. Here are 12 basic motorcycle tools which are must-haves for every motorcycle rider’s tool kit:

Must-Have Motorcycle Tool Kits


Screwdrivers in plastic case

Screwdrivers are used to tighten and loosen screws and bolts on different parts of the motorcycle like fasteners, oil drain plugs. Depending on different usage requirements there should be a number of screwdriver types and sizes available in your motorcycle tool kit.

Open wrench

Open motorcycle wrench is used for tightening or loosening nuts and bolts of the motorcycle. It has jaws that open up to fit the nut, making it easy for you to work on motorcycle parts like oil drain plugs.

These come in various sizes with different handles, so make sure that they are easily accessible in your motorcycle tool kit.

Spoke wrench

If you have a broken spoke while going on a long motorcycle ride, carrying a spoke wrench would be very helpful.

It can quickly fix the problem without having to go back home to get one. This motorcycle tool is very lightweight and compact. This makes it a must-have motorcycle repair equipment for every motorcycle owner’s tool kit.


Different types of pliers

Pliers are motorcycle tools that can be used to tightly hold motorcycle nuts and bolts, making it easier for you to unscrew them.

If you need to tighten or loosen screws on motorcycle handlebars, then using pliers will help out in doing this task quickly. There should be a number of plier varieties available in your motorcycle tool kit depending upon different usage requirements.

Allen key/ Hex screw key set

Hex screw keys are a must motorcycle tool as they are a solution for all problems related to hex bolts and screws. The motorcycle owners face this issue while going on long motorcycle rides.

These motorcycle repair tools come in different “key” sizes, so make sure that there are at least two sets of these motorcycle tools available in your motorcycle tool kit.


If you are out on a motorcycle ride and encounter any problem that requires you to disassemble motorcycle parts, then using a hammer would be necessary.

It can help loosen or break apart stubborn motorcycle parts that are stuck together due to rusting. Make sure there is one small yet compact hammer available for motorcycle repair work in your motorcycle tool kit.

Oil filter wrench

Oil filter wrench

It may sound strange how the oil filter wrench is actually a must-have motorcycle tool, but it’s true. Some old motorcycle models have oil filters located at odd positions where pliers cannot be used to tighten them easily.

An oil filter wrench is the best way to tighten these loose oil plugs, which probably have rusted due to water seepage. So make sure there is a motorcycle oil filter wrench in your motorcycle tool kit for motorcycle repair work.

Tire Plug Set

This motorcycle tool comes into play when a motorcycle tire has punctured, and you are away from home.

This makes purchasing a tubeless tire mandatory. It can help fix punctures on motorcycle tires so that you can ride safely back home without being stranded somewhere.

Headlight Level Gauge

If you are out riding at night or early morning hours when visibility is low because of the position of the sun, then having this particular motorcycle maintenance equipment can be very helpful.

It prevents your headlight from blinding oncoming traffic and also improves motorcycle visibility. Not all motorcycle models come with standard headlight level gauges. Make sure that motorcycle tool is available in your motorcycle tool kit or get one for motorcycle repair work.

Motorcycle Stand

A motorcycle stand is a must-have motorcycle tool as it can be used to clean and also service motorcycle tires. This helps you ride steadily in the future.

It comes with various parts in different shapes and sizes depending on different types of motorcycle models. These are not designed for performing all tasks related to motorcycle repairs. However, they are quite helpful when an urgent need arises while traveling on long motorcycle rides.

Spare Fuses

Spare Fuses

You may have never encountered problems like blown fuse due to circuit. It’s better to keep motorcycle spare fuses in the motorcycle tool kit for motorcycle repair work.

You can never predict when the motorcycle circuit will blow out due to overloading or some other reason, so it’s better to be prepared beforehand.


This may sound not very important but having a flashlight sitting inside your motorcycle tool kit is always useful.

You may need it at night or early morning hours if the motorcycle breaks down somewhere on the roadside. So make sure there is one bright LED flashlight available in your motorcycle tool kit for motorcycle repair work.


Patches and Repair tape

Tire plugs and patches

They come in different sizes, shapes, and materials. You need to carry at least one tire patch or repair tape. It may happen that your motorcycle tyre gets punctured while riding on roads with sharp objects such as nails and glass pieces present on the road.

These patches help you get home safely. We recommend buying tire plugs along with the repair kit; they work faster than any other tyre patch available today.

Socket Set

When you are on a motorcycle trip, it may happen that your motorcycle gets damaged due to road conditions. A socket will help you fit bolts and screws tightly without damaging them. Carry a full-sized socket set, as motorcycle sockets are smaller than normal ones.


Carry a motorcycle jacket, motorcycle gloves, and motorcycle boots that do not let you feel fatigued even after riding for long hours. These accessories protect you against heat stroke during summers and cold during winters.

Jumper Cables

These are necessary to give your motorcycle a jump start when the battery dies. You can buy jumper cables with coiled or straight ends, depending upon your motorcycle’s electric system.

The motorcycle toolkit must have a pair of jumper cable clamps at both ends. If you feel that these cable clamps will not fit into the motorcycle battery clamps then carry a set of alligator clips instead.

Read more:


Jeffrey Bryce is an experienced motorcycle rider with years of experience caring for motorcycles. His natural fondness for motorcycles have made him come up with, which is dedicated to answering and teaching you how to care for your bike with the care it requires. LetsGoForARide is the one of his important lifework in reaching out to communities of motorcycle enthusiasts on how to take care of their bike and choosing the correct spare part.