where to get a car key made

Where to Get a Car Key Made


July 5, 2022

If you have ever lost your car key, you know the panic that sets in.

Not only do you have to find a new key, but you also have to get it cut and programmed to work with your car.

This can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t know where to go.

In this blog post, we will discuss “where to get a car key made”.

We will also talk about the different types of keys that are available, so you can choose the right option for you.

What Is A Car Key

A car key is a small metal device that is used to operate a car.

It typically contains a small amount of metal, often brass, that is cut to fit the ignition of a car.

The key also has a transponder chip that is programmed into the vehicle’s immobilizer system.

When the key is inserted into the ignition, the chip sends a signal to the immobilizer system, which then allows the engine to start.

Car keys can be purchased from a variety of places, including hardware stores, auto parts stores, and online retailers.

They can also be made by a locksmith or auto dealer.

Best Places To Go For A New Key

The best places to get a car key made are:

Auto dealerships

If you have lost your car key and need a replacement, the dealership is the best place to go.

They will have keys that are specific to your make and model of vehicle, and they can also program the transponder chip for you.

The downside of going to a dealership is that they can be expensive.

where to get a car key made


Locksmiths are trained professionals who can cut and program new car keys.

They may be able to come to your location, which can be convenient if you are stranded somewhere without a key.

The downside of using a locksmith is that they may not have keys for your specific make and model of vehicle.

Hardware stores

Hardware stores usually carry a variety of keys, including car keys.

They may not have keys for your specific make and model, but they can often cut and program generic keys that will work with your car.

The downside of going to a hardware store is that it may take longer to get your key made, as they are not always staffed with trained professionals.

Auto Parts Stores

Auto parts stores typically carry a variety of car keys, and they may be able to program the transponder chip for you.

However, they may not have keys for your specific make and model.

The downside of going to an auto parts store is that it may take longer to get your key made, as they are not always staffed with trained professionals.

Online Retailers

Online retailers usually carry a wide variety of car keys, and they can be a convenient option if you need a replacement key quickly.

However, the downside of ordering from an online retailer is that you may not be able to get the key cut and programmed until you receive it in the mail.

Additionally, online retailers may not have keys for your specific make and model.

No matter where you go to get a car key made, it is important to make sure that the key is cut correctly and that the transponder chip is programmed to work with your car.

Otherwise, you may not be able to start your vehicle.

Factors To Consider While Choosing Between Different Types Of Keys

  • The type of vehicle you have: Some keys are specific to certain makes and models of vehicles. If you have a newer vehicle, it may use a key with a transponder chip. Older vehicles may not have this feature.
  • The cost: Car keys can vary in price depending on the type of key you need and where you get it made. Auto dealerships and locksmiths tend to be more expensive than hardware stores or online retailers.
  • The convenience: If you need a replacement car key quickly, going to an auto dealership or locksmith may be the most convenient option. However, if you are able to wait for your key to be shipped, ordering from an online retailer may be more convenient.
  • The level of service: If you need your car key to be programmed, going to an auto dealership or locksmith is usually the best option. Auto parts stores and hardware stores may be able to cut your key, but they may not be able to program it.
where to get a car key made
  • The location: If you are stranded without a key, going to a locksmith or auto dealership may be the most convenient option. However, if you are at home or work, going to a hardware store or ordering from an online retailer may be more convenient.
  • The availability: Not all places will have keys for every make and model of vehicle. If you have a newer or less common vehicle, it may be more difficult to find a place that has a key for your car. Additionally, not all places will be able to program transponder chips. If you have a newer vehicle with this feature, you may need to go to an auto dealership or locksmith to get a replacement key.

What Should You Do If Your Car Won’t Start Because Your Key Is Lost Or Broken

Imagine this scenario: it’s a cold winter morning, and you’re already running late for work.

You go to start your car, but the key won’t fit into the ignition.

You look down and realize that your key is lost or broken.

Now you’re stuck in a difficult situation.

If your car doesn’t start because the key is lost or broken, there are a few things you can do:
-Check to see if you have a spare key
-Get a new key made at your local hardware store or dealership
-Try starting the car again with the new key
-Call a tow truck or mechanic if the car still doesn’t start

Tips For Preventing Theft

If you’re worried about losing your keys or having them stolen, there are a few things you can do to prevent theft:

  • Keep your keys in a safe place at home, like a locked drawer or cabinet.
  • Don’t leave your keys in plain sight in your car. Hide them in a compartment or under the seat.
  • Don’t leave your keys where someone could easily find them, like on a hook by the door.
  • Be aware of where your keys are at all times. Keep track of them, so you know if they’re missing.
  • Make sure your car is locked and secured when you’re not using it. This will deter thieves from trying to break in and steal your keys.
  • Consider investing in a car alarm system. This will make it more difficult for thieves to steal your car and your keys.

Taking these precautions will help to keep your keys safe and prevent theft.

Follow these tips, and you can rest assured that your keys are in good hands.


How Much Does It Cost To Get A Car Key Made?

The cost of getting a car key made will vary depending on the type of key you need and where you go to get it made.

A basic key from a hardware store or locksmith should only cost around $20-$30, while more complex keys (like those with transponders) may cost closer to $100.

Dealerships will generally be the most expensive option.

What Do I Need To Get A Car Key Made?

In most cases, all you will need is to make and model your keys.

However, if you are getting a key with a transponder, you may also need the VIN number.

It’s always best to call ahead and ask before making the trip.

Hopefully, this has answered some of your questions about where to get a car key made.

If not, feel free to leave a comment below, and we’ll do our best to help out.


Jeffrey Bryce is an experienced motorcycle rider with years of experience caring for motorcycles. His natural fondness for motorcycles have made him come up with LetsGoForARide.com, which is dedicated to answering and teaching you how to care for your bike with the care it requires. LetsGoForARide is the one of his important lifework in reaching out to communities of motorcycle enthusiasts on how to take care of their bike and choosing the correct spare part.