What Percentage Of Motorcycle Riders Get In Accidents

What Percentage Of Motorcycle Riders Get In Accidents? – US


February 20, 2022

Each year, a large number of motorcyclists are wounded in accidents. However, there is no simple method to determine what proportion of motorcycle riders meet with an accident.

This is due in part to the fact that many incidents go unreported. Minor mishaps may not be reported to the authorities for example. What percentage of motorcycle riders get in accidents?

However, there are some telling statistics available to determine the percentage of motorcyclists who are injured while riding.

The fact that riders that suffer injuries as a result of no fault of their own generally have the ability to pursue a legal claim against the at-fault party is what really matters.

Personal injury claims may only be filed after an accident, however, the requirements for doing so will differ from state to state.

What Are Motorcycle Accidents?

What Percentage Of Motorcycle Riders Get In Accidents

Passenger vehicles, including cars and trucks, are involved in motorcycle accidents. On the other hand, passengers are people who ride on the bike but aren’t actually driving it.

It’s not unusual to have a motorcycle accident along with a car or another vehicle.

Furthermore, a motorbike accident may include pedestrians and other road users.

The motorcycle driver is in control of the vehicle. “Motorcyclist,” on the other hand, is a broad term that includes both riders and passengers.

The Rate Of Motorcycle Injuries In The United States

The Insurance Information Institute (III) compiled some statistics that provide a decent estimate of how frequent motorcycle incidents may be. In 2017, there were approximately 89,000 motorcycle injuries as a result of accidents, according to the III.

Last year’s figure was down by more than 30% from the previous year when there were 104,000. In the United States in 2017, there were 8,715,204 motorcycles registered.

If every registered motorcycle had a unique owner and no rider was hurt more than once in the year, it would represent less than 1% of all motorcyclists being injured in an accident.

Because many accidents are not reported, it is reasonable to assume that close to one percent of all motorcyclists suffer a mishap. However, there may be numerous motorcycle incidents that go unreported.

Motorcycle Accidents Vs. Car Accidents

What Percentage Of Motorcycle Riders Get In Accidents

When riding a motorbike, there are a few things to bear in mind, such as the fact that you are not protected the same way as a car and that your movements may not be recognized by other drivers.

Motorcycles frequently get trapped in the blind spots of cars. Motorcycle crashes and fatalities have a higher incidence than automobile accidents owing to various circumstances (among others).

  • Motorcyclists are 29 times more likely to be killed in a vehicle accident than people riding in a car.
  • 42 percent of car/motorcycle accidents are caused by cars making a left-hand turn.
  • Distracted driving, driver fatigue, and motorcyclists are all more significant in vehicle accidents than motorcycles.
  • Motorcycles have a higher propensity to hit fixed objects than automobiles.

Over the past two decades, these figures have remained consistent, and they match with how motorcyclist injuries and fatalities are dispersed. If there’s a lesson here, it’s to keep in mind the regulations for safe riding as well as your state’s laws when out on the road.

Factors That May Cause A Crash

Because motorcycles are designed to be less stable than other cars, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) claims that they are more likely to flip.

Given the vulnerability of motorcyclists who ride without the protection of a vehicle’s cage, such as a car, they may easily suffer catastrophic injuries in the event of an accident.

A motorbike accident is the result of numerous causes. Driver error is by far the most common cause of motorcycle accidents.

This may be true for both injured riders and others who are involved in wrecks. According to Indiana motorcycle accident lawyers, some of the most prevalent causes of motorcycle accidents include:

Turning Across Traffic

A left-turning motorist crossing traffic is one of the most typical causes of a motorcycle accident.

Left turns generally result in vehicle accidents across all types of vehicles. Because riding a bike gives lesser visibility, they are more likely to cause a motorcycle accident.

Aggressive Driving

What Percentage Of Motorcycle Riders Get In Accidents

When drivers and motorcyclists engage in aggressive driving, they can all contribute to an accident. When behind the wheel, aggressive driving entails a series of hazardous or irresponsible actions.

Most of the time, aggressive driving entails going at an unsafe speed. It can also involve drivers that switch lanes violently or pursue other cars too closely.

Heavy Traffic

The chances of a motorist failing to notice the presence of a motorcycle as traffic worsens.

Heavy traffic is frequently accompanied by lane splitting, which can lead to significant accidents.

Lane Splitting

Lane splitting is a unique hazard faced by motorbike riders that have to do with lane separation. When a rider rides between lanes of congested or halted traffic, she is performing a lane split.

Lane splitting is illegal in many countries, and when lane splitters drive at high speeds, it raises the risk of an accident.

Failure To Notice Motorcyclists

What Percentage Of Motorcycle Riders Get In Accidents

Motorists who drive trucks, buses, and other large vehicles have a duty to stay aware of the other motor vehicles they share the road with. In blind spots, drivers may lose track of motorcyclists.

A motorist switching lanes without seeing the motorcycle in the lane next to them is one of the most common reasons for motorcycle accidents.

Weather Conditions

The weather may have a major impact on a motorcycle accident, just like in any other vehicle collision.

Motorcyclists are particularly at risk on slick roads due to snow, water, or ice accumulation.

How To Stay Safe While Riding

Driving a vehicle that is moving rapidly and lacks any defensive barrier may always be hazardous.

However, by following these safety tips, you can minimize the chance of an accident, injury, and other potential disasters:

  • ATGATT (all the gear, all the time): In the event of an accident, we would never intend to be involved, but wearing appropriate protective gear is the greatest approach to guarantee our safety should something terrible happen. Motorcycle-specific pants, gloves, jackets, and helmets are all examples of this.
  • In case of a rainstorm, try to avoid riding: While it’s not always avoidable, be extra cautious while driving in the rain, snow, or poor visibility.
  • Take Lane Splitting Seriously: In many regions, lane splitting is forbidden for a reason: motor vehicles aren’t very good at dealing with motorcycle drivers who do it. While you may feel it is a safe technique at the moment, double-check to see whether it is legal in your area and that you are executing it cautiously.
  • Never Ride Under the Influence: This may seem self-evident, but it’s always worth repeating. It is never acceptable to drive a motorcycle after drinking or using any type of mind-altering substance.

Another way to think of motorcycle safety is that your actions will be magnified without the protective mechanisms available in conventional vehicles.

As a result, you must be concerned about safety on a daily basis so that you don’t get into trouble as a result of an accident.

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Jeffrey Bryce is an experienced motorcycle rider with years of experience caring for motorcycles. His natural fondness for motorcycles have made him come up with LetsGoForARide.com, which is dedicated to answering and teaching you how to care for your bike with the care it requires. LetsGoForARide is the one of his important lifework in reaching out to communities of motorcycle enthusiasts on how to take care of their bike and choosing the correct spare part.